What The Marks On Your Tongue Can Mean

The tongue can serve as an overview of your health. When you are healthy, the tongue has an even, reddish color, and a soft, moist texture.
What the marks on your tongue can mean

The tongue can serve as an overview of your health. When you are healthy, the tongue has an even, reddish color, and a soft, moist texture. However, if one suffers from an imbalance in the organs, this can manifest itself as discoloration, dehydration or through white marks on certain parts of the tongue.

Traditional Chinese medicine allows us to interpret these signs and gives us means to counteract and correct injuries.

Roughly speaking, the tongue can be used as the following map:

  • Middle:  Stomach and spleen
  • Sides:  Liver and gallbladder
  • Rear part: The  kidneys
  • The tip of the tongue:  The heart

The color of the tongue

The color of the tongue gives you an indication of which organs may be weaker. Yellow can mean liver, gallbladder and stomach. When the color is closer to green, it points towards the liver.

A grayish-gray color can mean that there is something wrong with the liver or intestines.

White marks can mean that one is suffering from a parasite, anemia, kidney or hormone problems, low blood circulation, or malnutrition.


Let’s take a closer look at specific brands that can help us locate the imbalance in the body.

Yellowish white coating

When you have a white and / or yellowish layer that covers the entire tongue, especially on the back of the tongue, it is a sign that you are suffering from  an imbalance in the gallbladder secretion of bile, which is often one of the main causes of digestive problems. Foods that are not properly digested or absorbed move on to stages of fermentation and decay, and are turned into toxins.

Tooth marks on the side of the tongue

Some tongues have uneven marks on the side that may look like they have been made by the molars. This often happens in accordance with a coughing up whitish mucus. When this is the case, it means that there is something wrong with the digestion and nutrients are not taken as they should in the small intestine It also has a lot to do with  missing minerals.

Pimples on the tongue

Pimples on the tongue are small, inflamed lumps which also means that there is something wrong with digestion and that you have  leftover food at a stage of putrefaction in the large and / or small intestine.

Cracks in the tongue

Cracks in the tongue are very common. They often look like deep or less deep cuts in different areas, but it is most common to find them around the middle of the tongue. This means that you have  old problems in the colon walls,  which is the part of the colon that is most damaged by acid attacks, which is due to poor digestion. This also has an impact on vitamin deficiencies. There may also be mucus on the tongue.

Mucus in the mouth and throat

Mucus in the throat and mouth, which often causes or aggravates infections such as  pharyngitis, sinusitis or the like, is  a result of indigestion and the body trying to get rid of toxins . If you also have a bitter taste in your mouth, this regurgitation is flushed from the gallbladder . Also, when one does not digest properly and suffers from heartburn, one can be affected by mucus in the throat because the body tries to protect the walls of the digestive tract with a mucus coating so they do not get irritated.

Mouth sores

Mouth ulcers can be a sign of indigestion  when one suffers from inflammation or ulcers in the  gastrointestinal tract. In fact, they appear the day after the food has passed.

These sores can occur on the outside of the mouth, in the corners of the mouth, and if they are tampered with, they can form ugly and unpleasant crusts. These marks are a result of ulcers in the duodenum caused by digestive diseases.

The first step one can take to influence the symptoms one sees on the tongue is to change what one eats  and go through a detox to cleanse the system of all toxins and wastes. If necessary, it is also recommended to take natural medicines to help the digestive process. Last but not least, an oil refill can also help. If this is done daily, they will keep your body free of toxins and waste products, and give you a healthy tongue and a healthy throat.

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