What Is Jam Root And What Are Its Properties?

Jamsrot has a high concentration of vitamin C, which makes it a plant that is suitable for increasing the function of the immune system. Learn more here!
What is yam root and what are its properties?

Jamsrot is a plant that is currently used as a treatment for certain inflammatory problems. It has beneficial properties, and some experts claim that it can be positive for health. However, there are also risks and contraindications associated with intake.

In this article we will explain in detail how and when to use jam root. However, be aware that in order to have a positive effect, it is important to introduce it within a balanced and varied diet. It is also important to avoid ingesting toxic substances and exercising.

Areas of use and possible benefits of jam root

It is possible to use jam root in the following contexts.


The hands of an elderly woman with arthritis.
This condition has many treatments.

The anti-inflammatory properties of yam root make it a possible remedy for many diseases that have rheumatoid arthritis as an underlying element. However, existing studies on this topic have only involved animals, so the results are not entirely applicable to humans.

Jam root for hyperuricemia

There is some research, such as the one that appeared in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology , which claims that yam root has the potential to increase uric acid excretion . This would prevent the problem of hyperuricemia in those who have a predisposition. As in the previous case, however, the research that has taken place involved only animals.

Muscle spasms

There have also been studies on the possible effect of yam root in the treatment of muscle spasms. This food can provide relief for the pain that has to do with menstruation or cramps. However, the research is not conclusive and does not allow the establishment of solid evidence.

Jam root for viral infection

It is important to note that yam root has a significant vitamin C concentration. This nutrient helps to improve the function of the immune system, and reduces the incidence of colds and flu. In addition, a high intake of the drug enables effective control of symptoms and an early remission of the disease.


There are not many scientific articles on the subject, but some authors claim that regular consumption of this plant can improve fertility in women due to the content of phytoestrogens.

In any case, it is important to consult a doctor before taking it for this purpose. This is because there may even be interactions with other fertility treatments.

A doctor talking to a couple about infertility.
This treatment can help infertility, but should not replace the prescribed treatment by your doctor.

Risk and contraindications for jamsrot

Although yam root can be beneficial for some people, there are also risks when it comes to consumption. For example, this food can sometimes cause nausea, vomiting and headaches. There have also been reports of other cases of digestion.

There is even the possibility of developing an allergic reaction, usually with cutaneous manifestation. It is not uncommon to experience anaphylactic shock as a result of jam root consumption, but a number of dermatological side effects can prevent you from introducing it into your diet.

Presentations and dosage

You can find yam root in its natural state, although it is also possible to take an extract in the form of a dietary supplement. It usually comes encapsulated with about 100 milligrams of the plant per dose.

It is marketed mainly to reduce joint pain and inflammation, although we have already mentioned that the evidence is scarce.

Most manufacturers claim that taking 1 or 2 doses daily can be effective in treating menstrual cramps, fluid retention and menopause.

According to a study published in the Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research , the consumption of yam root can also modulate the lipid profile. However, the influence of diet on this parameter is limited. In the same way, there is a strong genetic determination in this regard.

Jam root, a plant with medicinal properties

As you have seen, there are several contexts where you can apply yam root without many side effects. However, there is little research that supports consumption. Most of the tests performed are in vitro or in animals, which does not allow us to extrapolate the results to humans. However, it is considered a safe plant for health, except in cases of allergies.

Similarly, you should consult your doctor or nutritionist before taking it. This should be the rule before the introduction of a supplement in your diet. The professional will be able to assess the need to include the substance and will be able to assess the associated risks.

Finally, remember that in order to achieve good health, it is important to have a healthy and varied diet, as well as regular physical activity. Encouraging good rest is also important.

Remember: Dietary supplements are just the icing on the cake in a healthy lifestyle.

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