Vegan Teens: A Growing Trend

Being a vegan teenager is tough, but this type of diet can provide some interesting benefits as long as you plan it properly.
Vegan teens: A growing trend

There are pros and cons to vegan teens. This is because a diet based solely on plants can improve health and help maintain optimal weight.

However, this diet has certain implications that are still controversial. This is because it can lead to a lack of certain nutrients if not planned properly. 

So, what do you need to know about becoming vegan?

What does it mean to be a vegetarian or vegan?

Due to the large number of articles in the media (in addition to the many professional statements on the subject), it seems that there are more vegan teenagers than ever before. At the same time, there are several controversies surrounding this diet, in addition to the disagreements between parents and children.

R. González Leal, a member of the endocrinology service at the Hospital Infantil Universitario Niño Jesús in Madrid, shows a basic definition of the differences between veganism and vegetarianism:

There are more and more vegan teenagers.

Why do you prefer a vegan diet?

In general, the most common reason for choosing a vegetarian diet is health considerations, environmental considerations, and factors related to animal welfare. 

Some vegetarians also have economic reasons, ethical views related to world hunger and religious beliefs to follow the vegan model. Many people have had this diet since childhood if they grew up in a vegetarian family.

Vegan teens: A worrying, risky and growing reality

Acquiring a vegetarian diet can lead to a reduction in the intake of certain nutrients. However, one can avoid deficiencies by following a carefully planned diet that includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds to acquire adequate nutrition.

One must also take into account that two populations are particularly susceptible to risk when it comes to vegan diets:

  • The first group are children and teenagers, who are still growing and need all the nutrients they can get. This especially includes amino acids.
  • The second group is women, as they need more iron. This mineral is present in legumes and plant-based foods, of course. However, the bioavailability is less than in meat.
Care must be taken to ensure that vegan teens get all the nutrients they need.

Are there any benefits to vegan teens?

While there are some benefits to these diets, one should not ignore the harmful elements that can be harmful to your health.

With this in mind, we will now provide some additional information :

  • When properly planned, vegetarian diets are often associated with a number of health benefits.
  • Although animal protein contains all the essential amino acids, vegetable proteins are deficient in some (limited). For example, grains contain limited amounts of the amino acid lysine, while legumes contain limited amounts of methionine and threonine.
  • Adolescence is when most eating disorders occur. 


The US National Library of Medicine stands out in terms of what to consider when following a vegan or vegetarian diet. One must:

  • Eat different types of foods, including vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts, seeds and whole grains. Include dairy products and eggs if your diet allows it.
  • Choose fortified foods, such as grains, bread, soy and almond milk, and natural fruit juices to get a variety of nutrients.
  • Avoid foods that are rich in fat, sugar and sodium (salt).
  • Include at least one protein source in all your meals. 
  • Take supplements if your diet lacks certain vitamins and minerals.
  • Remember that vitamin B12 is necessary to prevent anemia. Eggs and dairy products contain a lot of B12, which is the reason why vegans may have difficulty getting enough of it.
  • Learn to read the label on the foods, as they list the ingredients and nutrient content of the product.

Finally, consult a nutritionist to make sure you are getting all the nutrients you need when following a strict diet.

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