Use Of Gold Vine For Cleaner Indoor Air

Golden vine is a very poisonous plant, so it is important that you never chew or eat this plant. But placing the plant in the bedroom will help you breathe better.
Use of gold vine for cleaner indoor air

The golden vine (or Epipremnum aureum) is a common climbing plant that is found in many homes today. In this article, we will share two of the biggest but relatively unknown health benefits that using a gold ring brings. The gold vine cleans the air in the room where it is located and it helps against tired, red and irritated eyes. It can also treat and prevent ocular hypertension, cataracts and glaucoma.

Here we explain the benefits in detail, in addition to providing information on how to take care of your golden vine for the best possible health effect.

Specifications and care

The golden vine has broad, green leaves that get light streaks or marks when stored outdoors. It requires special conditions to survive. The temperature should be between 15 and 21 degrees, and it likes best inside. The plant needs some light, but should not have direct sunlight.

To prevent the roots from rotting, the gold vine should not be watered too often. If you want an extra plant, you can pinch off a branch, put it in a glass of water until the branch develops its own roots and then plant it in a separate pot.



The gold vine must never be eaten as it is toxic. But we are going to list some of the benefits of placing this plant in one of the rooms of your home. We will also tell you how to use the leaves.

How does the gold vine clean the air?

When the gold vine is placed in a room, it purifies the air of formaldehyde, a gas that is also often found in rooms that are either freshly painted or newly furnished.

Formaldehyde is a chemical gas that is found in wooden furniture, for example, and research has shown that the gas is toxic and can even be carcinogenic over time. Most likely we breathe in this gas without being aware of it.

Golden vine also removes benzene and carbon monoxide from the air, and therefore you should place such a plant in the bedroom to make sure that there is enough oxygen in the room when you sleep.

In addition, research has shown that the golden vine helps remove odors.

With all these good reasons, you can also place the golden vine in the kitchen, bathroom or living room to spread the good benefits around your home.

After a short time you will feel that the indoor air is much better.


How can the golden vine relieve irritated and red eyes?

Many people have discovered a surprising property with the golden vine when the eyes are tired or when one feels tired. This is especially noticeable after hours in front of the PC or other strain on the eyes. The golden vine is also proven to be preventative for cataracts or glaucoma.

Follow these simple steps to maximize the properties of this plant for the eyes:

  • Use a damp cloth to wipe dust off the leaves, but do not remove them. They supply the plant with energy.
  • Hold one of the branches of the plant, close your eyes and place the leaves on the eyelids. Sit in a comfortable and convenient position, without stress or tension.
  • Sit like this with your eyes closed for 3 to 5 minutes and completely relax.
  • Then open your eyes slowly and you will feel that your eyes are more awake and relaxed.
  • Do this every time your eyes are tired and irritated. And if you want to prevent cataracts or glaucoma, you can do this every day.

One thing about cataracts

An early sign of cataracts (and which can help prevent it from developing) is a small silver or green stripe near the pupil. This is a clear sign that you need to see an ophthalmologist so that treatment can be started immediately. If this happens, in addition to a traditional treatment, you can also apply leaves from the gold vine on the eyes (as described above) two to three times a day.

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