Tips For Making Your Skin Look Young When You Turn 40

In this article, we give you some tips you should follow to make your skin stay young and smooth. If you have already turned 40, remember that you cannot follow the same skin care routine as you did ten years ago.
Tips to make your skin look young when you turn 40

After reaching the age of 40, women begin to experience various changes. This is especially true in the skin due to a decrease in hormone production. If you are already over 40, do not worry. Today we are going to tell you how you can make your skin look young at and after you have turned 40 years old.

Hormones and your skin

Estrogen and progesterone are the hormones  responsible for keeping your skin firm. However, with age, their levels decrease, making your skin thinner and more dehydrated.

Healthy skin is the first big step to show off a young face without a trace of impurities. If you are already 40 years old, keep in mind that you can not follow the same beauty routine as ten years ago. Your skin needs special care at this age. It is not like when you were 20 years old and it was soft and smooth. When you are 40, wrinkles and flaccidity are much clearer.

With that said, let’s take a look at some tips to make your skin look young when you’ve turned 40.

Tips to make your skin look young when you turn 40

1. Wash your face every day

Woman cleanses face

As soon as you wake up, you need to follow a good beauty routine.

Be sure to wash your face with soap and lukewarm water. Then, with cotton pads and a facial cleanser, you remove impurities and dirt from your face so that it is completely clean.

Follow this routine both in the morning and in the evening before going to bed. This is very important to keep your skin young and healthy.

2. Stay hydrated

Another important habit for achieving skin that looks younger skin after the age of 40, is to put together a daily routine to moisturize the skin.

For this, night creams are ideal, especially those that have anti-aging properties. For example, try to choose a type with collagen, hyaluronic acid and vitamin C.

3. Sun protection is a must to make your skin look young when you turn 40

Blemishes on the face are more common after the age of 40, so it is important to use sunscreen every day. Use at least sun factor 30, whether it is cloudy or sunny.

Apply the sunscreen all over your face, neck and neck, as these areas reveal the most signs of aging. In addition , it is recommended to use makeup that contains a form of sunscreen.

4. Use serum

Not everyone uses serum,  but they are actually one of your best allies for keeping your skin young and smooth.

Apply it before applying your moisturizer, and you will see that your skin looks lighter with a healthy glow. We recommend that you choose a type that has a restorative effect or that is rich in vitamins.

5. Take advantage of peels

Woman uses peeling

Exfoliating your skin helps you remove dead skin cells. Therefore, it helps to renew your skin cells and delay premature aging.

Do not forget to be careful when choosing makeup. As we mentioned earlier, your skin becomes drier after you turn 40. Ideally, you should choose oily products or those with special formulas for mature skin.

More recommendations to make your skin look young in your 40s

1. Check your weight

Metabolism slows down as you get older, especially after the age of 30.

If you do not exercise more often or more intensely, you can gain a few pounds a month. In fact, this can happen even if you exercise just like you did before.

When you turn 40, this can mean an increase of 4 kg or more.

You should therefore keep this in mind when planning your diet and exercising.

2. Increase your intake of vitamins C and E.

Vitamin C to make your skin look young

Incorporating sources of vitamins C and E into your diet is essential for your skin to look young when you are 40. Although you must eat these vitamins from an early age, they are essential for relieving skin damage when you achieve this. stage.

  • Vitamin C has an antioxidant effect that minimizes the effect of free radicals on your face. In addition, it helps to synthesize collagen and keep your skin firm and elastic.
  • At the same time, vitamin E is a natural protector against ultraviolet rays and toxins. It stimulates blood flow and promotes tissue regeneration.

3. Choose a hair color that matches your skin color

When you turn 40, you may have a good amount of gray hair to cover. If you have a dark hair color, you should go to the hairdresser more often to make sure that the roots are not visible.

Lighter colors or highlights in the hair can highlight gray hair better. However, it is more difficult to maintain these colors.

4. Use lighter makeup

A heavy foundation and powder can settle in wrinkles and lines, so you look older than you are.

A softer shade and a lighter color on the lips will hide imperfections and draw less attention to problem areas. Moisturize the skin well before applying foundation so that it is not dry. In addition, your wrinkles will appear smaller this way.

5. Drink plenty of water to make your skin look young

In all phases of life, it is important to drink plenty of water for the sake of health. However, when you turn 40, you need to drink more, especially if you are not already drinking enough.

This important fluid keeps your skin both hydrated and firm.

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