Three Habits To Detoxify Your Body Continuously

If you want to detoxify your body, it is important that you try to eat organic fruits and vegetables to avoid excess chemicals commonly used in cultivation.
Three habits to detoxify your body continuously

You have probably heard that you should detoxify your body to reduce the risk of liver, colon, pancreas or heart disease.

However, you may not do it as often because you may find it very difficult, or you just have no idea where to start.

In both cases, you will find very simple and quick options to keep your body in optimal condition.

Replace one of your meals with a detoxifying smoothie

Parsley smoothie to detoxify your body completely

Are you worried about having to stop eating the food you really like? If your diet is very poor, it would be advisable that in addition to detoxifying your body, you improve the quality of your food.

But if you really want to take care of your diet and just want to eliminate the toxins that are there somehow, try a daily smoothie.

This measure is very practical. In addition, it ensures that you never leave home without breakfast if you choose to change breakfast or never eat breakfast.

It’s also a great way to get some of the vegetables you do not like in your diet. After all, Smoothier allows you to play with flavors and textures, so you can include what you need without noticing the taste you do not like.

In addition , it is very cheap to include a daily smoothie because the required portions are minimal.

For this habit to really work and be useful, it is important that you make sure that you:

  • do not resort to extreme measures. It’s just a matter of making a smoothie for one meal, not stopping eating solid foods altogether
  • Choose good quality natural products to ensure that you do not replace the toxins you eliminate
  • is aware of the body’s reaction and always ask a nutritionist if you notice any decompensation

If you do not know where to start, try this shake to detoxify your body:


  • 65 g clean and washed kale leaves
  • 725 ml almond milk
  • 1 green apple cut into cubes
  • 1 ripe banana
  • 2o g washed parsley


  • Mix all the ingredients in the blender and process until you get a smoothie that is easy to drink.
  • Don’t worry if it works too much. Since you are going to replace breakfast, it is important that you drink everything to avoid hunger within a few hours.

2. Always use organic products whenever possible

Vegetables that can cause allergies

We know that consuming organic products is not always available to everyone. However, a good way to detoxify your body is to include them as much as you can.

A good trick is to plant your own vegetables. It’s easy and can save you a lot of money.

Even if you live in a small apartment, there is always room for a couple of pots, such as tomatoes. However, always make sure that the seeds you plant are organic. They are usually relatively inexpensive, especially considering the amount of tomatoes they can produce.

Other options are:

  • Pineapple. You just have to plant the crown and wait for it to grow.
  • Fruit trees. Here you need a little more space and patience, but after about 5 years you can harvest the first plums, pears or apples. Other fruits require more time, but it is worth it.
  • Beetroot and spinach. Just plant some seeds to get shrubs that continue to grow even after you have picked some.
  • Spice. Spices such as lavender, thyme, mint and basil are easy to grow.

Remember that being organic is about avoiding the use of pesticides and herbicides. Be sure to water only these plants with clean water and add organic fertilizer to detoxify your body.

Take advantage of a massage to detoxify your body

A woman receiving a therapeutic massage

Do you think that getting a massage is just a luxury? Of course, it may seem like it, and it makes you feel regal, but the function goes beyond that. Most massages seek to detoxify your body in some way.

Depending on the problems you have, your masseur will recommend one or the other. If you do not know where to start, you can request a lymphatic massage.

  • The goal of this type of massage is to eliminate toxins from the organs. It is a treatment that requires a little extra effort from your masseur, but which gives you excellent results.
  • The ideal time frame is to get a massage once a month, but it depends on your financial situation and your preferences.
  • If you are turning to alternative medicine, try visiting a temazcal. These are steam baths that take advantage of the benefits of different herbs, depending on the medical problem you want to combat.

What other options do you use to detoxify your body? Have you tried the ones we mentioned? Which is your favorite?

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