These Herbs Can Help Prevent Skin Cancer

The most common type of cancer is skin cancer. Aside from always using sunscreen and avoiding harmful tanning beds, these herbs can help you prevent skin cancer.

The most common type of cancer of all is skin cancer. Therefore, it is important to know ways to prevent skin cancer.

It is well known that avoiding excessive exposure to the sun is one of the most important factors in keeping skin healthy. The hours when it is especially recommended to stay away from the sun are between 10:00 and 16:00.

But your job may require you to be out in the sun all the time. In that case, use a good sunscreen with at least 15 SPF, wear clothes made of tightly-woven fabric, and if possible wear sunglasses and a hat with a large brim. These are all very helpful, but several precautions are a good idea.

So to help you, we would like to tell you about some herbs that can help you prevent skin cancer.



Curcumin is nothing more than a bright yellow pigment found in turmeric and curry. It is highly valued for its antioxidants and anti-inflammatory powers.

Curcumin has been the subject of several studies showing that it interferes with the development, multiplication, survival and invasion of healthy tissues caused by skin cancer.

Another remarkable property of turmeric is that it helps your liver get rid of toxins and wastes. In addition, it inhibits the growth of blood vessels that feed on cancer cells and reduces tissue inflammation. You can include it in your diet by sprinkling it on salads or soups. You can even make a tasty turmeric tea.

Remember that while eating turmeric or curry in moderation is not a problem, large amounts can cause nausea or diarrhea.

Green tea


Green tea, according to results produced by a series of tests done on rats, is a great ally for the prevention and breakdown of cells formed at the onset of cancers of the skin, bladder, esophagus, ovaries and pancreas. Other studies also suggest that using green tea on your skin is an effective way to fight UV rays.

You can enjoy it hot or cold, and if the taste is not quite to your liking, try adding a little honey to enhance the taste. You can also add a small amount of powdered green tea to bread recipes, another fun way to include this type of tea in your food. Green tea can cause the following side effects in some people: gas, nausea, heartburn, abdominal pain, dizziness, headache and abdominal pain. Thus, it is a good idea to gradually get your body used to this tea.


When applied to your skin with sunscreen, the marijuana stem can help prevent skin cancer. St. John’s wort has incredible anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties, as well as antioxidant properties.

The seeds are rich in:

  • Silymarin
  • Tyramine
  • Histamine
  • Essential oils
  • Protein oils
  • Flavonoids
  • Plant slime

According to several studies , this herb inhibits the growth of various types of tumors and factors related to the possible development of skin cancer and prostate cancer. The stems, leaves, roots and flowers of this herb can also be eaten, although they can cause skin rashes on contact with some people.

Other herbs that can prevent skin cancer

There are even more options that will help you prevent skin cancer:

  • The leaves of violets are antineoplastic and have antitumor powers.
  • Chaparral prevents DNA mutations, thus preventing the development of cancer.

Herbs that are rich in antioxidants reduce the damage caused by free radicals. Some examples are:

  • Rosemary
  • Thyme
  • Sage
  • Temple tree
  • Chili pepper
  • Hawthorn
  • Nesler
  • Ginger
  • Parsley

Prevention of skin cancer with natural remedies

While nature is wise, it is not a good idea to ignore the help that only natural medicine provides when it comes to treating cancer or other illness. Due to the limited number of studies that have been done, alternative medicine should not be considered as the only answer for the treatment or prevention of skin cancer.

You should remember that self-medication is never advisable. If a doctor does not address possible cancer in time, the consequences can be irreversible. Therefore, it is very important to consult a specialist to see if alternative medicine can be a good alternative for your particular case. It is also important to remember that another factor that affects your skin as much as your health in general is your lifestyle.

If you have good eating habits, exercise daily, manage your emotions, nourish your spirit, and keep your stress level stable, you are less likely to get cancer.

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