The Possible Causes Of Unexplained Weight Loss

Unexplained weight loss is a danger signal for potential health problems. In more severe diseases, weight loss is usually accompanied by other symptoms. You should contact your doctor if this happens to you.
The possible causes of unexplained weight loss

Unexplained weight loss can have many causes, most of which are related to health problems. In any case, this is an important sign that should not be overlooked and that requires prompt medical consultation.

Today, body weight has many aesthetic and social connotations. For this reason, the first thing you need to do is make sure that you are actually suffering from unexplained weight loss. Sometimes there is simply a change in body image.

In this regard, Dr. Jorge Quiroga Vila, Director of the Department of Internal Medicine at the ClĂ­nica Universidad de Navarra , points out that up to 50% of patients consulted for unexplained weight loss have not actually lost weight.

But if you have really lost weight, there are several possible causes.

Unexplained weight loss

Unexplained weight loss is often a sign of systemic disease. However, before we continue, we need to establish the parameters for what significant or clinically relevant weight loss means.

It is not easy to determine when weight loss is a cause for concern. However, there is almost absolute medical agreement on a particular parameter. Any loss of 5% body mass, for a period of between six and 12 months, should be a reason for medical consultation.

Therefore, it is important not how many kilos they lost, but what percentage of total body mass they represent. Thus, a person weighing 100 kilos must suspect that something is wrong if they lose 5 kilos in six to 12 months. However, a person weighing 50 kilograms should consult a doctor if they lose 2.5 kilograms.

While this may seem obvious, it is important to point out: Weight loss must be involuntary. In other words, you should worry if the weight loss happened by itself, without you having done anything specific.

A woman who has lost weight.

Main causes

There are many reasons for unexplained weight loss. In 75% of cases, it is possible to identify the cause. People usually lose weight because they get fewer calories than they need, or because they suffer from a disorder that prevents the body from absorbing nutrients properly. Sometimes it is due to both.

It is very common that these unexplained weight loss is a result of depression. It is very important to analyze whether the person mourned or suffered due to death, divorce or traumatic event before they lost weight.

Weight loss will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness. This is the case with tumors in the digestive system, infectious diseases such as HIV, endocarditis, tuberculosis and fungal or parasitic diseases.

Weight loss is common in hyperthyroidism or pheochromocytoma, diabetes mellitus and adrenal insufficiency. Although several types of cancer are associated with weight loss, in these cases the patient will also suffer from other symptoms.

An old woman who has lost weight.
Unexplained weight loss is one of the symptoms of certain chronic diseases, such as cancer.

Age and weight loss

Age is a relevant factor in analyzing the causes and consequences of weight loss. This happens in certain specific stages or circumstances:

  • Newborn babies. It is not uncommon for babies to lose up to 10% of their body weight during the first 15 days of life. This is because they expel fluid through feces or urine. From then on, it is expected that babies will gain half a kilo per week until they are six months old.
  • Older people. Weight loss is a normal part of the aging process, as long as it happens gradually. Loss of muscle and bone mass is also normal. But sudden unexplained weight loss is a sign of health problems.
  • We should also note that many times you lose weight during pregnancy. This occurs in mothers who become dizzy and vomit during the first trimester and therefore can not maintain an adequate diet. These patients need to check with their doctor.

Emotional stress is also a common cause of weight loss. High cortisol levels and eating at abnormal times lead to this. Similarly, coercive use of psychoactive drugs can affect weight.

What to do if you notice unexplained weight loss

If you notice that you have lost a lot of weight in a short time, and you realize that there are changes in body function, you should consult a doctor. Healthcare professionals want to know the steps to follow to discover the cause and solve the problem.

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