The Dark Pain Of Depression

Instead of crying in bed all day, people with depression may seem to be living a normal life, but they do not find joy in what they do, and everything overwhelms them.
The dark pain of depression

The dark pain of depression that swallows those who suffer from it. It’s like a giant, suffocating scarf that catches you, blinds you from your life and sends a blanket of darkness to suffocate you and those close to you.

Sadness, irritability, apathy, loss of interest in one’s surroundings. Inability to experience joy, loss of appetite, guilt, difficulty thinking, concentrating or making decisions. Recurring thoughts about death or suicideā€¦

This can last for a long time, and this is what a person with depression feels in almost every single moment every day. It is an enormous pain that extinguishes all light sources the sufferer may have in his life.

sad face

Having depression does not mean lying in bed crying

We all tend to imagine that those who suffer from depression lie in bed and cry all day. However, intense and frequent sadness is just a small part of how depression manifests.

In fact, some people with depression will not experience sadness at all. Instead, depression manifests itself as authoritarian attitudes, excessive irritability, insensitivity, aggression, etc. Sometimes depression manifests itself as constant and intense mood swings.

According to the DSM-5 and ICD-10 diagnostic manuals, the presence of a major depressive episode must meet more criteria than the presence of sadness or irritability. This means that even if one of these two symptoms is necessary, it is not in itself sufficient to be diagnosed with depression.


No one is free from the dark pain of depression

It can happen to any of us.

One day you may find it difficult to get out of bed. It feels like your life is not the same, nothing interests you anymore. And on the inside, you feel nothing but restlessness.

So you start to feel overwhelmed. And think that everything overwhelms you and wears you out. You need to force yourself to feel something other than the inner pain of depression that accompanies you like a shadow.

There are days when you feel worse and others where you feel better. Emotional instability is your name. You do not understand, you just feel an enormous anxiety that sinks you even deeper into the darkness.

You have no idea what’s going on, you do not remember the last time you felt good, and you are empty inside. You can not help feeling worse when you leave the house, when someone wants to help you, or when you have to start a new project at work.


But this pain will pass. You need a professional who can help you understand and give meaning to your situation. One that can help you overcome it. Psychological help is a powerful tool for healing yourself and your mind.

Comorbidity: anxiety and depression

We know that depression often manifests itself mixed with anxiety, which provides the basis for an anxiety-depressive condition that can be even more painful and confusing for those affected.

Anxiety is characterized by fear, panic, nervousness, avoidance, instability, overstimulation, muscle tension, hyper-alertness and perceptions of immediate threat or danger.

Depression and anxiety share symptoms such as irritability, worry, poor concentration, insomnia, fatigue, psychomotor anxiety, crying, feelings of inferiority, guilt and low self-esteem.

Metaphor for understanding the pain of depression

One of the most useful metaphors for depression is the black dog. In the following video, we get to see how depression is symbolized by the black dog growing bigger and bigger, until it becomes a shadow that envelops the lives of those who suffer.

If you feel that you can identify with what we have talked about in this article, or you think you may be suffering from depression, talk to your doctor and share your concerns with the people who love you.

Look for a treatment that will help you focus your mind and environment, little by little, so that you will begin to feel better.

Treating depression will mark a before and after in your life.

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