The Best Techniques To Combat Anxiety

Did you know that exercise is one of the best techniques for fighting anxiety and relieving stress while encouraging the production of serotonin?
The best techniques to combat anxiety

Millions of people around the world are exposed to this  protective mechanism that the body sets in motion to anticipate possible danger. In this article, we will tell you about the best techniques to combat anxiety.

Treating it professionally and using techniques to combat it is important. Here we will tell you about some of the most effective strategies.

The best techniques to combat anxiety

As a first step, you need to accept the symptoms and get to know them. It may not be easy, but it is important. Stop for a minute and “observe” your anxiety. When will it come out? When is it at its strongest? How do you get rid of it?

When you feel anxious, as if the problem is taking over you, we recommend following the techniques to combat anxiety mentioned below.

1. Do not swim against the current

Person with anxiety

Accept and acknowledge your anxiety. Trying to escape the symptoms will not do you any good. You have to accommodate that. Do not lie to yourself or try to hide the truth.

Rest assured that you will feel better soon.

2. Learn about your condition

Knowing that anxiety occurs unexpectedly and that your body misinterprets the situation as if it is in danger is important and using these techniques to combat anxiety will help.

Some of the most common symptoms are:

  • Inability to control fear or insecurity
  • Excessive sweating
  • Increased breathing and heart rate
  • Headache
  • Dry mouth

3. Make yourself comfortable

Woman relaxing

Think of your anxiety symptoms as if they were a storm. The first thing you would do in that situation is try to find shelter and stay dry. The same is true here.

  • When your anxiety levels are very high, stop everything you do,  lie down or get up from your chair, take off your shoes, and do everything you can to be comfortable.
  • You can close your eyes and regulate your breathing to help your body understand that there is no longer any danger.

4. Train

According to a study done in 2013, physical activity has a positive effect on anxiety and emotional problems. Exercise relieves anxiety and helps you release the stress that leads to its main symptoms.

Find something to do that involves touching you : walking, swimming, cycling, boxing. It is a much healthier choice than sedative pills.

5. Think realistically

Woman thinking

What makes you feel anxious? What thoughts are invading? If you keep a positive attitude and focus on the good things, the anxiety will soon recede.

Try to see each situation from different angles and you will feel less stress. When you think realistically, you will realize that life is not a test or a presentation where you will be judged. Look at things from “the good side” or with “a half-full glass”. Put the outrageous, limiting thoughts to the side.

6. Do what makes you feel good

If you do not like to exercise, no problem, there are hundreds of activities you can do to reduce your anxiety.

For example, you can: read a book, watch an animated film, have a good cup of tea, play with your children, plan a trip, listen to music, or take a relaxing bath.

Anything to distract you is welcome.

7. Do not jump to conclusions

Girl with anxiety

Highly anxious individuals tend to jump to conclusions based on very little data to support under it. For example, when they see other people’s facial expressions. These assumptions may be associated with their past experiences.

In other words, if you suffer from anxiety, you  are more likely to jump to conclusions that are not always correct. It is better to wait and analyze the situation well before giving a verdict.

8. Pust

When you inhale slowly through your nose and hold it in your lungs for a few seconds before exhaling very slowly, your body relaxes. Even more if you close your eyes.

Try it out for yourself and  you will notice that your heart rate calms down,  your hands stop sweating and the suffocating feeling subsides. Just breathe consciously!

9. Meditation is one of the techniques to combat anxiety

Meditation to combat anxiety

Now that you have learned how to breathe to reduce your anxiety, the next step is to practice meditation. This old philosophy is very good for you. With only half an hour a day (when you get up in the morning or before going to bed, for example), you can reduce stress and anxiety.

Meditation is not to sit in Indian style and close your eyes. It is  to train your mind not to focus on the past. You can enjoy the benefits of this exercise anytime, anywhere.

In addition, relaxation techniques will be good for your anxiety. Best of all, the effects last a long time.

  • Watch instrumental music, light a candle or incense.
  • Lie down on the sofa or bed and close your eyes. Concentrate on those sounds and smells.
  • You will feel calmer in no time.

10. Eat a healthy diet

Fried foods, sweets, white bread, alcohol, coffee… these can lead to anxiety. Since we are what we eat, it is a good idea to pay more attention to the food and drink that you offer your body.

Fruits and vegetables contain all kinds of nutrients that are good for the mind and body. Choose orange juice over coffee in the morning or a salad over a hamburger. You will feel better and more peaceful.

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