The Benefits Of Drinking Water On An Empty Stomach

75% of your muscles, 90% of your brain, 22% of your skeleton and 83% of your blood are made up of water. Drinking water on an empty stomach helps the body empty itself of waste products and it can contribute to weight loss.
The benefits of drinking water on an empty stomach

According to experts, 75% of the muscles, 90% of the brain, 22% of the skeleton and 83% of the blood consist of water. When you hear these numbers, you understand how important it is that we drink water every day. For even greater effect, it is recommended that you drink at least four cups of water every day, before breakfast. In today’s article, we will review some of the benefits of drinking water on an empty stomach.

You already know that your body needs water every day to stay hydrated and function properly. This important fluid is full of healing properties, which should not be forgotten. Water is also critical to life on earth.

Benefits of drinking water on an empty stomach

If you make it a habit to drink water in the morning, this will improve your health. All the organs of the body need water to function properly. What is better than nourishing them from the moment we wake up. Drinking water on an empty stomach helps us to remove waste products that have built up in the body and that have a negative effect on health. When the first thing you do is drink water, you help your body cleanse and increase your metabolism.

When you drink water on an empty stomach, you also get other important benefits. You regulate the body’s temperature, hydrate important organs and improve the absorption of nutrients. At the same time, you give your cells oxygen.

At the same time, drinking water on an empty stomach will contribute to weight loss. This is because water contributes to the feeling of satiety and thus you do not eat more than you need.

How do you drink water properly?

To get the most out of all the benefits, it is important that we know how to drink water properly. Experts suggest that we drink at least two liters of water a day, the first four cups in the morning. But do not swallow all the water at once. It can have a negative effect. In order for the body to be able to utilize the water, you should drink slowly and gradually throughout the day.

Drinking water on an empty stomach every day is a habit you can gradually learn. Ideally, you should drink the water one hour before eating breakfast. We always say four cups, but in reality you should drink half your weight. You should also pay attention to how active you are.

The water you drink should be free of fluoride, lime and other chemicals. It is best to drink the water at room temperature. To increase the hydration effect, you can add a few drops of lemon juice.

Water therapy

In Japan, it is very popular to drink water on an empty stomach. The Japanese believe in something called “water therapy”. This is approved by the Japan Medical Association (JMA) and it has been shown that it can fight both old and new diseases such as, headaches, cardiovascular disease, gout, epilepsy, obesity, bronchitis, asthma, tuberculosis, meningitis, kidney and urinary tract infections, vomiting, gastritis, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, diabetes, constipation, vision problems, cancer, menstrual problems and diseases of the ear, nose and throat.

How do the Japanese perform hydrotherapy?

  • Immediately after getting up, you should drink four cups of water before brushing your teeth or eating breakfast. Drink slowly and take small breaks between each cup.
  • Now you can brush your teeth and start the day. See if you can wait 45 minutes before eating.
  • After 45 minutes you can eat your normal breakfast.
  • After breakfast you should wait for two hours before eating anything else.
  • If you think you can not drink four cups of water, try a glass or two. Increase the amount slowly but surely, until you can handle the recommended four cups.

The effects of water therapy


Japanese water therapy has no negative effects. The only thing is that when you accustom your body to a right intake of water, you may feel the need to urinate more often than before. Some people experience symptoms that the body cleanses itself, such as itching, dizziness, headaches, nausea, an upset stomach, diarrhea and more. These are normal symptoms that occur when the body eliminates toxins and fights against harmful substances that need to be removed.


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