Six Things That Make You Feel Chronic Fatigue During The Day

Do you still feel tired? Do you lack the energy to perform your daily tasks? If you experience these symptoms and feel other types of discomfort, you need to contact your doctor to find out if it has anything to do with any of these diseases.
Six things that make you feel chronic fatigue during the day

Chronic fatigue is a common symptom that involves a lack of strength to perform activities that require physical or mental effort.

It can be moderate or intense, depending on the cause and the physical capacity of the patient to deal with it.

Those who lead a sedentary lifestyle, especially those who suffer from obesity, may experience the discomfort more severely, even by just walking.

Regardless of this, however, there are some other factors that can trigger fatigue even if you are in good physical shape.

In this article, we will explain six possible causes of chronic fatigue so that you can identify them if you are consistently suffering from this problem.

Causes of chronic fatigue: Hypothyroidism

chronic fatigue

Hypothyroidism is a condition that occurs when the thyroid gland does not produce enough hormones to regulate the body’s metabolism.

It is one of the most common causes of fatigue, and it makes you feel weak and discouraged even when you are resting.

There are two important components that make us suspect that this symptom is related to the change in thyroid function:

  • The patient does not want to make an effort, even after little physical exertion.
  • A feeling of discouragement and lack of energy even when there is no effort.

2. Anemia

Anemia is a condition characterized by a reduction in red blood cells in the blood. These are the cells that are responsible for transporting oxygen through the body.

Often, when the oxygenation process in tissues and brain becomes difficult, the patient tends to feel tired and weak both physically and mentally.

In addition to fatigue, the patient may show signs such as:

  • Pale skin
  • High resting heart rate
  • Brittle hair and nails

Causes of chronic fatigue: Heart failure

A woman suffering from chronic fatigue

Heart failure occurs when the heart loses the ability to pump enough blood to other parts of the body.

Since it impedes circulation, cellular oxygenation is reduced. This causes you to feel weak and exhausted.

In the initial stages, the patient may feel tired when performing moderate activities. As time goes on, chronic fatigue will begin to develop, even when you do daily tasks such as brushing your teeth.

Fatigue caused by heart failure is often accompanied by:

  • Swelling of limbs (edema)
  • Shortness of breath when performing physical activities or while resting
  • Not wanting to make any effort, whether it is moderate or gentle exercises
  • High blood pressure
  • Difficulty circulating
  • Feeling of heaviness in the legs
  • Pain or stinging in the chest


Diabetes is caused by excessive accumulation of glucose in the blood. Either due to a lack of insulin, or resistance to it, the substance is not used by the cells to generate energy.

Without enough sugar, the body’s cells become “hungry”, and if they do not perform their functions properly, they trigger painful symptoms.

A patient may suspect diabetes when, in addition to constant fatigue, there are other symptoms such as:

  • Feeling thirsty
  • Sudden weight loss
  • Changes in urination
  • Weakness in the legs

5. Causes of chronic fatigue: Sleep disorders

A woman who suffers from sleep disorders

It is no wonder that a person feels physically tired and has difficulty staying concentrated and mentally active after a bad night’s sleep.

Getting a good night’s sleep (not less than 7 hours a day without interruption) is important to renew the body’s energy.

If you have difficulty sleeping for several nights, or if your sleep is interrupted, you may experience episodes of chronic fatigue.

In this case, you may be able to determine the cause if you also experience:

  • Drowsiness during the day
  • Sleep apnea
  • Difficulty falling asleep at night
  • Feeling that sleep has not renewed the body’s energy

6. Depression

Depression is a psychiatric illness, and its main symptom is a sudden change in mood. A patient suffering from depression also tends to be sad, with low self-esteem and energy.

This condition is different from the normal sadness that you usually only feel when you go through a bad period.

Ignoring depression can turn it into a chronic illness with physical, mental and emotional consequences.

This condition should be considered if, in addition to chronic fatigue, you experience:

  • A feeling of discouragement
  • Low self-esteem
  • Deep sadness
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Social seclusion
  • Loss of interest in your daily activities

Do you still feel tired? Do you lack the energy to perform your daily tasks ?

If you experience these symptoms and feel other types of discomfort, you need to contact your doctor to find out if it has anything to do with any of these diseases.

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