Seven Tips To Improve Your Self-image

You may not believe it, but your self-esteem is solely dependent on you, so stop putting obstacles in your way and start seeking well-being so that you can grow as a person. You are beautiful; you just have to believe it!
Seven tips to improve your self-esteem

Your self-image is how you see yourself. This perspective directly affects your  life  in all aspects: emotionally, physically, financially, socially, at work, etc.

Do you try hard in everything, but still feel that you are not good enough? Do you think you would be better off if you were taller, shorter, thinner, etc?

Maybe the reason you are not happy with yourself has nothing to do with your physical appearance or material possessions. Have you ever considered that you may have a distorted self-image?

The truth is that many of the things mentioned are related more to the perception you have of yourself than to real mistakes.

While it is true that losing a few pounds can help, a lack of self-love will prevent any person from becoming truly happy.

“Who am I?” and “Who do I want to be?” are questions that cannot be answered externally.

Today we give you tips to improve your self-image.

How to improve your self-esteem

Get in touch with your body

Exercise, move, breathe and be aware of who you are to improve your self-esteem. Taking a yoga class can help you get in touch with your physical body.

Understanding the feelings you feel, how you face situations, is part of being fully aware of who you are.

Even if you do not want or can not take a yoga class, you can learn on your own. Take a walk and concentrate only on yourself. Forget everything outside and feel how your skin gets warm from the sun or how your chest moves as you exhale.

Pay attention to the feeling your clothes give to your skin and become aware of your physical side and how it is related to your mind.


This is a necessary exercise to discover your strengths and weaknesses. Explore them at work and in your personal life.

How do you react to each situation presented to you?

Self-analysis allows you to make decisions that strengthen your self-image. Do you react the way you want? What would you have changed? Why did you not like this thing you consider a weakness?

Once you have the answers to these questions, you can better decide which steps to take. When you realize that you did not react as you would like, you can look forward to this reaction and change it.

Little by little, and with training, you will be able to become the person you really want to be.

Do not listen to the world; listen to yourself

It seems that people have a compulsive need to please others, even if it does not result in the happiness they should. The external affects your inner thoughts.

When you fail to satisfy society, it can make you feel worse. Not being approved by others ends up damaging your self-esteem.

You must learn to filter external opinions. Stop listening to criticism and do not let people make you feel bad. It is important to learn to be a better you every day and to be authentic.

The most effective way to do this is to get to know yourself and love yourself just the way you are.

Have clear goals

Once you realize who you are and what you do not want in life, it’s time to move on to the next phase: working to become who you want to be. It is difficult and will require a lot of work.

Remember that your goals should be:

  • Accurate. The more specific you are when defining what you want, the easier it will be to achieve.
  • Measurable. When will you reach this goal? Having a specific date helps you make the goal a priority. When you feel you are working against the clock, you are less likely to postpone it.

They are two very simple concepts, but they will have a wonderful effect on your self-image because they remind you that you are capable of doing what you decide to do. This gives you confidence.

Make habits

Write down a list of habits that make you or want to make you happy. Some can be simple things that help you look better physically, others can be mentally nourishing.

A few examples are:

  • A new hairstyle every 6 months,
  • To write down goals you have achieved,
  • Make a list of goals,
  • Create new habits now and then,
  • Create a folder of inspirational things,
  • Put together pictures of who you want to be.

Do not give up

Life is full of challenges, failures and tough times. Giving them more power than they deserve will not help your self-image at all.

Instead of being discouraged by what you did not achieve or could not do, give yourself a new challenge.

It is important not to try to do too much. When we ask you not to give up, we say that you should avoid pessimism, but have a realistic picture of the world.

In other words, just because you did not complete the marathon the way you wanted, does not mean you will not be able to do more training next year.

Learn to laugh at yourself

Finally, the last tip we have for improving your self-esteem is not to take yourself too seriously. Learn to see your faults, mistakes and weaknesses with a touch of humor.

This will let you see your life and who you are in a fresh, new way.

After all , you can not go through life focusing on the bad all the time.

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