Seven Solutions To Strengthen Weak Nails

Weak and broken nails are a woman’s worst nightmare. They break and rupture easily, making them an unpleasant problem. The good news is that you can treat it at home.
Seven solutions to strengthen weak nails

Beautiful nails are a charming touch for any style. However, weak, cracked nails are a woman’s worst nightmare. In this article, we will share seven solutions to strengthen weak nails.

Many things can lead to weak nails, such as continuous use of nail polish remover, overexposure to water, hyper- or hypothyroidism, psoriasis, lung problems, anemia, fungal infections, etc.

Whatever the cause, weak nails are always uncomfortable because they crack and break easily. The good news is that you can treat them at home.

In today’s post we will give you a list of seven solutions to strengthen weak nails at home.

Vitamin E oil to strengthen weak nails

Nails are often weakened due to dehydration.  To keep them hydrated, vitamin E oil is especially useful because it nourishes and strengthens them.

Nails are often weakened due to dehydration. To keep them hydrated , vitamin E oil is especially useful because it nourishes and strengthens them.

  • Extract the oil from a vitamin E capsule.
  • Apply it on the nails.
  • Massage gently to help blood circulation.
  • Repeat daily for two or three weeks to see improvement.

Alternatively, you can take vitamin E capsules orally. For best results, use this remedy before going to bed.

2. Coconut oil

Coconut oil and coconuts

Coconut oil is one of the best home remedies for getting strong nails. It contains saturated fat that moisturizes nails and protects them from infections.

  • You can apply hot coconut oil directly on the nails and massage them gently for 5 minutes.
  • It improves blood circulation in the nail bed.
  • Use coconut oil two or three times a day.

3. Apple cider vinegar to strengthen weak nails

Among all the natural remedies out there, apple cider vinegar is another particularly effective in strengthening weak nails

Among all the natural remedies out there, apple cider vinegar is another option that is especially effective in strengthening weak nails. It is full of nutrients such as iron, calcium, vitamins, potassium, magnesium, etc. Apple cider vinegar also contains acetic acid and malic acid which help prevent nail infections.

  • Mix equal parts apple cider vinegar with water.
  • Immerse the nails in the mixture for a few minutes.
  • Gently push the cuticles back.
  • Use this remedy for five days in a row to strengthen the nails.

4. Lemon juice

Lemon juice in a bowl with lemons lying in the background

Lemon juice helps to strengthen weak nails and makes them shine.

  • Use a cotton swab to apply the lemon juice to your nails and wear gloves all night.

5. Olive oil to strengthen weak nails

Olive oil to strengthen weak nails

Hot oils can improve the condition and texture of the nail.

  • Mix equal parts jojoba oil and olive oil.
  • Heat the mixture until the oil is warm to the touch.
  • Dip small cotton swabs into the mixture and place them on the nails.
  • Leave them on for ten minutes so that the oil can penetrate the nails and nourish them.

6. Egg yolk

Egg yolk and eggs

If dryness causes your nails to break, this is the best home remedy for you.

  • Massage your nails with egg yolk for two minutes.
  • Wash off with clean water.

7. Orange juice to strengthen weak nails

Orange juice to strengthen the nails

Orange juice contains folic acid which is important for nail growth.

  • Extract the juice of a fresh orange.
  • Dip your nails into the juice for 10 minutes.
  • Wash off with warm water.
  • Apply a moisturizer after patting your nails dry.

Change your habits

  • Eat foods rich in biotin such as whole grains, eggs, tomatoes, almonds, cauliflower, lentils, strawberries, soy, milk, etc. You can also use biotin supplements after consulting your doctor.
  • Eat foods rich in proteins such as fish, poultry, beef, pork, seeds, nuts, spinach and other vegetables. You can also drink protein shakes to replenish protein.
  • Exercise regularly to maintain healthy blood circulation. It will help your nails stay strong and grow faster.
  • Keep your nails short to reduce the surface area. By doing this, they will absorb less water and chemical products.
  • Choose a good brand of nail polish remover.
  • Keep your nails exposed to sunlight for a few minutes each day to ensure that they absorb vitamin D.
  • Drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration.
  • Push the cuticles back instead of removing them to prevent infections.
  • Use cuticle cream to keep them moist.
  • File your nails regularly to prevent cracks and peeling.
  • Wear gloves when working with water, detergents or chemical products.

You should avoid doing this:

  • Avoid overexposure to water.
  • Do not use nail polish removers that contain strong chemical products such as acetone and formaldehyde.
  • Avoid using fake nails because they can lead to infections.
  • Do not use alcohol-based hand sanitizers as they can dry out the nails.
  • Refrain from biting nails or tearing loose nails. Do not scratch your nails as it may weaken them.
  • Avoid using too much nail polish remover.

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