Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS): 7 Effective Treatments

To improve or relieve RLS, it can be very helpful to get some physical activity because it activates the circulation and provides oxygen to different parts of your body.
Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS): 7 effective treatments

Restless Legs Syndrome is a small but annoying problem that large sections of the population suffer from when trying to fall asleep at night.

This condition, abbreviated RLS, has a neurological origin and is characterized by cramps and tingling in the extremities, especially the legs.

The discomfort will disappear when the sufferer begins to move, usually by getting up and walking around.

However, the simple act of sitting in a chair, lying on the couch or lying down to sleep can mean that you will experience these annoying sensations.

You need to keep in mind that you are dealing with a chronic neurological disorder.

One thing that is known is that many cases can be of genetic origin, but some of the patients who experience this condition have other associated diseases or conditions: kidney failure, vitamin deficiency, pregnancy, side effects of certain medications…

The treatment is therefore based on improving the patient’s quality of life. To do this, a multifaceted strategy is required.

First of all, the patient will receive certain medications. These may include dopamine agonists, antiepileptic drugs or opioids.

The non-pharmacological approach is the part of the treatment that we want to talk about in today’s article.

1. Pneumatic compression against Restless Legs Syndrome

A woman uses pneumatic compression

You may not have heard of pneumatic compression before. However, it is important to note that it is one of the most effective treatments for RLS.

The compression improves the circulation in the legs and prevents the formation of blood clots.

One of the origins of this disorder is a low oxygen concentration in the extremities. Thanks to this compression unit, the circulation is “activated” again, as if you are exercising while resting.

It is useful and worth trying. It is enough to only use it for 30 to 45 minutes before going to bed.

You can find such compression devices at orthopedic centers and specialized pharmacies, or where your doctor says you can get them.

2. Vitamins and minerals you can add to your diet

Your doctor will do some tests and run various tests to find out if your restless legs are caused by a lack of minerals such as iron or other nutrients, such as vitamin D.

To prevent and treat this type of neurological disorder, it is also important that you do not forget to get enough of other important nutrients:

  • magnesium
  • vitamins D, C and E.
  • iron

Exercise can help treat Restless Legs Syndrome

Women train together

Aerobic exercise will not wear you out too much, it is not so intense, and it also allows you to enjoy some activities that will oxygenate your blood. This in turn increases your lung capacity and helps you take care of your cardiovascular system.

Be sure to perform some of these simple exercises every day:

  • walk for half an hour
  • swimming
  • cycling
  • dancing
  • zumba
  • aerobics
  • tennis

4. Yoga – relaxing and good for stretching

As you already know, yoga makes both your body and your mind work. This will help you relieve stress and anxiety while achieving a state of inner peace so that you can enjoy better rest at night.

Yoga’s ability to treat RLS is also enormous for the following reasons:

  • Stretching improves circulation and muscle tone.
  • The exercises are accompanied by breathing techniques that provide more oxygen to your body.

Precisely because of this, you should conduct a good yoga class at home every day or go to yoga classes where instructors can tell you about the best exercises for your situation.

5. Wrap your feet

Foot treatment against RLS

There are specific compression bandages for the feet that have the following goals: to put pressure on certain areas under the feet and stimulate the circulation in the lower extremities to reduce RLS.

The very best is if you learn to sleep while wearing these special wraps for your feet.

6. Heat and cold treatments

You may know that heat and cold treatments are very popular, but that does not mean that they are less effective.

Something as simple and affordable as using cold wraps followed by warm wraps can improve your circulation and relieve cramps and tingling while allowing you to rest better at night.

7. Tea for Restless Legs Syndrome

A natural tea for Restless Legs Syndrome

Before trying any of these teas to treat RLS, it is advisable to talk to your doctor.

Do not forget that your treatment will be very specific and that certain medicinal plants may interfere with your medication.

It is best to consume only one or two cups of these teas a day. Ideally, you should drink a cup before going to bed.

These are the most effective natural teas against RLS:

  • sage
  • legevendelrot
  • linden flower
  • white hawthorn
  • faster

All in all, despite the fact that this is a chronic disorder, the right medical approach and certain other strategies that we have mentioned here can improve your quality of life remarkably.

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