Omega-3: It Is Found In More Foods Than Just Oily Fish

Fatty acids have several health benefits, but you need to eat certain foods to get them. Flaxseeds, chia seeds and soybeans are sources of omega 3.
Omega-3: It is found in more foods than just oily fish

You may already be aware of the health benefits of omega-3s. These fatty acids are special. But the body cannot make them. For this reason, people need to get them from food.

The most well-known source of omega-3 is oily fish, including salmon, sardines and tuna. But they are not the only sources we have to get omega-3. There are a number of foods that can provide the required amounts of this fatty acid.

Omega-3 has many functions

  • Omega-3 fatty acids play an important role in the development and function of the brain. For this reason, it is estimated that they are related to and play a role in the learning processes. This is confirmed by studies of children who have experienced an omega-3 deficiency during pregnancy. These children tend to have vision problems and bone disorders.
  • These nutrients help reduce the likelihood of heart disease.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids are ideal for reducing inflammation.
  • They are effective in reducing the likelihood of getting chronic diseases.

Health benefits of omega-3

It regulates cholesterol


First, it is a type of cholesterol that is not bad. In fact, it is good for the heart. For example, the populations of Inuit, who eat a lot of fish, show a reduction in triglycerides (fat) in the blood.

It regulates blood pressure

There are many clinical studies that show the relationship between eating omega-3 and a reduction in blood pressure. In all cases, it is important to remember that only a doctor can give indications of a treatment. A good diet is a supplement that helps cure all diseases.

Other foods that contain omega-3


Flaxseed contains a high concentration of omega-3. It is estimated that 100 grams of flaxseed contains 22 grams of omega-3. This amount of fatty acids helps to exceed the minimum amount required.

Chia seeds


These seeds contain a significant concentration of omega-3. It is similar to the concentration in flaxseed (18%). With chia seeds you can prepare delicious desserts.


Soy is a special legume because it gives us healthy fats. It contains approx. 11 grams of omega fatty acids per 100 grams. There are a large number of dishes that can be made with this legume.

Walnut oil

This is an excellent ingredient to use as a dressing on salads or to use to make desserts. The concentration of omega-3 is also high, close to 10 grams per 100 grams of oil. Walnut oil is also an anti-inflammatory agent.

Peanut butter

Peanut butter

Peanut butter tends to be healthier than other butter and can replace it. It can be used in many ways; you can enjoy it alone or in many combinations. The 10 grams it offers per 100 grams of peanut butter make it a valuable source of omega fatty acids.

Rapeseed oil

This is a very versatile oil in the kitchen. It works well in fast wokers and in doughs. It has a concentration of 7.7 grams of omega 3 per 100 grams.

Olive oil

Olive oil goes well with almost any food. It is not recommended for frying, but it is good for everything else. If used properly, it can cover the required quota for each body.


Russian caviar

Although you may not eat Russian caviar as often, tube caviar is also a great source of omega-3 fatty acids. It also contains other elements such as phosphorus and sodium.


Cabbage is a fabulous ingredient for making salads. It also contains some omega 3 as well as vitamins and minerals that make it a very good food.

Shea butter

This ingredient comes from the nuts of a tree from Africa. It has a significant concentration of fatty acids that are beneficial to the body, including omega 3.

Getting advice from an expert will help us get more detailed and personal information. The most important thing is to eat a wide range of food sources to break any dependence on a particular food.

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