Make A Watermelon Seed Infusion And Get These 8 Benefits

Although the majority of us tend to throw them away, watermelon seeds are very beneficial to our cardiovascular health and may even help us lose weight.
Make a watermelon seed infusion and get these 8 benefits

Have you heard of the benefits of watermelon seeds? If not, you are facing a real treat with a natural watermelon seed infusion.

Watermelon  is one of the most recommended summer fruits to  rehydrate the body and promote detoxification.

It is characterized by its high water content, as well as antioxidants and natural fiber that give it medicinal properties.

Its juicy pulp tends to be used to make drinks, although it is also eaten on its own and in salads.

What many do not know is that the seeds, which most people throw away, also  contain essential nutrients and properties that can improve health.

The seeds can be used to make a natural infusion that improves the function of several systems in our body and prevents some diseases.

In this article we want to share 8 main benefits of the seeds  and a simple recipe you can make at home.


1. They protect the liver


The anti-inflammatory and cleansing properties of the watermelon infusion  are a great support to promote good liver function.

Drinking this tea promotes the elimination of toxins held in the liver tissue, and also helps reduce extra fat and cholesterol.

2. They cleanse the kidneys

The drink made with these seeds is a natural diuretic that stimulates cleansing of the kidneys to remove the waste products that tend to accumulate in the tissues.

The properties increase  urine production to  regulate fluid levels in the body and eliminate heavy metals.

It is also ideal for cleansing the urinary tract and reduces the risk of developing infections.

3. They improve cardiovascular health

the heart

Arginine, an amino acid present in this drink, facilitates blood pressure control and improves blood flow through the arteries.

This drug, together with the antioxidants it contains,  improves heart function and reduces the risk of suffering from chronic diseases  such as heart failure or heart attack.

On the other hand, its diuretic effect promotes cleansing of the blood and regulates the levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides.

4. They fight constipation

Despite their size and texture,  watermelon seeds are a significant source of dietary fiber,  a nutrient that helps fight constipation.

Their mild laxative effect promotes the elimination of waste stored in the  colon, and their nutrients also nourish the microbial flora that protects it.

5. They strengthen the immune system

The immune system

These seeds contain significant amounts of vitamins A and C, both of which are needed to  strengthen the immune system and prevent disease.

Their iron and magnesium content supports the production of red blood cells and also increases the presence of antibodies that attack external infectious factors.

6. They prevent premature aging

Such a watermelon seed infusion contains antioxidants that  protect cells against the negative effects of free radicals in the environment.

These harmful particles are associated with premature aging, not only of the skin but also of internal organs and cognitive health.

7. They help hydrate the body

It hydrates the body

Due to its high energy value, we recommend this natural drink  to rehydrate the body on hot days  or after doing physically demanding activities.

Its moisturizing properties help prevent fatigue, and given that it contains essential minerals, it is ideal for regulating electrolyte levels.

8. They help you lose the excess weight

The diuretic and cleansing effects of this infusion are a great support for those trying to lose weight.

It may not be a miracle drink or not even close. Drinking it, however, can help  improve the effects of diets on metabolic activity.

Also, drinking it prolongs the feeling of being full, which is the key to preventing  excess weight.

How to make such a watermelon seed infusion

Watermelon seeds

Such a watermelon seed infusion is very easy to prepare. In addition, you can  do it several  times a week to enjoy the properties it contains.


  • 40 watermelon seeds
  • 4 cups water (1 liter)


  • Crush the fresh watermelon seeds and mix them with a liter of boiling water in a jar.
  • Cover the opening and leave it until it reaches a suitable temperature.

How to drink it?

  • Drink a cup of the infusion on an empty stomach as the first thing you do in the morning. Wait 30 minutes before eating breakfast.
  • Drink it 2 or 3 times a week.

Did you know about the properties of these seeds? Now that you know how good they are for your body,  do not hesitate to try them instead of throwing them away!

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