Learn More About Healthy And Natural Sweeteners

There is an enormous amount of white sugar in food. White sugar offers no health benefits, and in the long run can lead to health problems. Here are a number of healthy and natural sweeteners that offer a great alternative to white sugar. They want to make food sweeter and at the same time provide health benefits. They are recommended for diabetics and the obese . Do you know about molasses, stevia, agave syrup, or panela?

Of these, brown sugar is the easiest to find in the store. Unlike white sugar, this is not refined and therefore contains vitamins (vitamins A, B1, B2, etc.) and natural minerals from cane sugar and sugar beet.

The health of the sugar depends largely on the process, as some brands sell white sugar with brown color, which is actually white sugar mixed with molasses . We recommend brown sugar in desserts and sweets as it is both affordable and healthier. But it is best to use the following natural sweeteners if you can:

Brown sugar

Natural sweeteners

Panela is created by evaporating all the juice from cane sugar. This is widely used in South America. Just like honey, it has an expectorant and embalming effect.

Drink it with warm water and honey if you have a cold, flu or sore throat. It contains 50 times more minerals than refined sugar, including calcium, potassium, magnesium, copper, iron and phosphorus.

Honey is 25 times sweeter than sugar, is delicious in taste and contains lots of nutrients. In addition, it is known as a natural antibiotic. It is also antiseptic, tonic, relaxing, helps with constipation, is diuretic and antibacterial.

It is recommended that you take 1 teaspoon a day, alone or mixed with fruit juice, yogurt or tea. It is important that you choose raw, organic honey for full utilization of its benefits. It is also useful to know that one can smear some honey on a burn or a wound for healing effect.


Cane honey or molasses comes from cane sugar and is called honey” because it looks like this, despite the fact that this is darker in color and stronger in taste. The darker the color, the better it is for the body.

Reed honey is rich in minerals and vitamins, making it recommended for athletes, children, those suffering from anemia, fatigue and stress.

Stevia is one of nature’s miracles. This plant is native to Paraguay and is much sweeter than sugar, in addition to being good for health it  has the ability to reduce blood pressure, is good for teeth, blood circulation and digestion. Stevia has no calories  and is thus ideal for those who want to lose weight.

This is also suitable for diabetics  as it does not affect blood sugar, but also because it seems that stevia can actually help regulate blood sugar levels in the body if one drinks three cups of tea with stevia a day.

To take full advantage of these properties, one should drink it from powder form, as a pure extract or by chewing on the plant. If you want to use it as a tasteless sweetener (reminiscent of licorice), you can buy it as a clear liquid. This will not be as healthy, but works well as a sweetener without calories and without harmful substances such as sugar or aspartame.

Agave nectar or syrup is extracted from a type of cactus and has the same consistency as honey. The nectar is sweet but mild in taste. This is one of several natural sweeteners that are ideal for diabetics, as long as it is consumed in moderation.

Just like the above sweeteners, it offers a number of health benefits. Just make sure the nectar is made raw and not at high temperatures. This is ideal for tea, juice, smoothies, etc., and can be used in many recipes as a substitute for sugar. Remember to always talk to a doctor if you get sick from eating certain types of food.

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