Korean Diets: An Oriental Secret To Weight Loss

Korean diets prioritize the intake of fish and vegetables. What’s more is that they also pay extra attention to cooking methods and avoid fried foods, which reduce fat intake.
Korean Diets: An Oriental Secret to Weight Loss

In the West, much attention has been drawn to Asian women because of their slender figures. Although genetics play an important role, there is no doubt that food also contributes to this trait. Find out what this Korean secret is with Korean diets!

Western food currently affects Oriental food. Countries like Japan and Korea still  maintain many healthy traditions  that do not cause them to gain weight.

In fact, Koreans have a longer life expectancy and fewer cases of obesity than people from developed countries. What’s their secret? Why is it so healthy? In this article, you can find the most important features to lose weight with Korean diets.

Slimming secrets from Korean diets

Korean diets have become popular all over the world for their slimming properties. Still, it is best not to confuse their basic principles with “miracle diets”, because there are two very different things.

Unfortunately, due to the worldwide interest in Korean food, many diets are too strict. Still, they can give results, but they still lack some nutrients. Therefore, before you start following any diet plan, it is important to seek the advice of a nutritionist to see if a particular diet is appropriate for your age, health and weight.

In general, some of the “secrets” of this kitchen should  be included in any healthy and balanced diet. Below we give you further details on their most important secrets.

High intake of vegetables

Healthy, green food

The Korean diet is based on fresh vegetables and rice. The following foods are low in calories and are in each of the main courses.

  • Potatoes
  • Mushroom
  • Cabbage and green vegetables
  • Tomatoes
  • Carrots

Low meat intake

In many western countries, meat is the main ingredient in most dishes, but it is a secondary ingredient for Koreans. This is why they have a low fat diet compared to other countries.

  • Red meat has been replaced by fish and seafood,  which are high in omega 3 and protein.
  • When cooking meat, Koreans tend to roast or bake it in order to keep it as low in fat as possible.

Spicy soups

Spicy soup

Fortunately, this spicy soup is easy to make. Soups are traditionally an elementary part of Korean cuisine. They are light, easy to make,  and filling due to their variety of ingredients.

  • It is important to point out that many recipes are spicy, which gives a kick to your metabolism to help you burn calories.

Herbal tea

Herbal teas are another reason why you should take a look at Korean foods as an alternative to losing weight.

  • In Korea, it is common to make green tea, barley tea or toasted barley tea, both of which are known for their fat-burning properties.
  • They are digestive drinks that improve the body’s cleansing mechanism, thus making it easier to lose weight.

Kimchi: a traditional dish

Kimchi is a traditional dish that is a main part of Korean cuisine. It is considered one of the healthiest dishes in the world,  as it contains vitamins, minerals and probiotics.

  • What is kimchi? Kimchi is a fermented food made with dehydrated napa cabbage along with salt, garlic, ginger, fish sauce and peppers.
  • This spicy food is added to many meals because it is very filling and low in calories.

Small amounts of refined flour

Bread and other processed foods with refined flour are not common in Korean diets. It is not eaten as often as other healthier foods such as fruit and whole grains.

Cooking methods

In addition to calories and food combinations, Korean diets are also known for their specialized cooking  methods  that maintain a dish’s nutritional value.

  • Food is rarely fried. Instead, it is usually toasted or boiled.

Lots of water


In addition to drinking herbal tea to compliment their dietKorean women also drink plenty of water during the day.

  • While all balanced diets recommend drinking water, Korean diets recommend drinking two to three liters of water a day.

Are you now ready to put the Korean secrets to the test? Remember not to start with a strict or low calorie diet –  just include these simple ideas into a balanced diet plan.

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