Jaundice In Infants: Symptoms And Treatment

Jaundice in infants can be identified by the yellowing of the skin and sclera of a newborn’s eyes. Although this condition is not common, it should be evaluated by a doctor.
Jaundice in infants: Symptoms and treatment

Jaundice in infants is a condition characterized by a discoloration of the skin and sclera (the whites of the eyes), which begin to look yellowish. This develops when there is an excess of bilirubin in the blood.

Bilirubin is a  yellow pigment that occurs during normal breakdown of red blood cells. This substance usually passes through the liver and is released into the intestine as bile.

While jaundice is not considered a disease, it should be taken as a warning sign because it may indicate an undiagnosed condition. Most of the time, however, it is temporary and harmless and responds well to non-invasive treatments.

Why does jaundice occur in infants? How can you identify it?

As parents, it is important to know the answer to these questions. Today we will therefore take a look at the causes, symptoms and therapies that are available for the treatment of jaundice in infants.

The causes of jaundice in infants


It is normal for babies to have high levels of bilirubin after birth. In fact, most newborns have a yellowish color in their skin. This condition occurs in 80% of babies born prematurely and in 60% of those born at term.

However, it is not always visible and can  disappear on its own after about two weeks.

The main cause is an immature liver that fails to treat excess bilirubin properly. It also seems that newborns produce more bilirubin than normal because they renew red blood cells more often.

Other possible causes may include:

  • A family history of jaundice
  • Not to be fed breast milk
  • Internal bleeding
  • Blood poisoning (septicemia)
  • Viral or bacterial infections
  • Incompatibility between blood type in mother and baby
  • Liver failure
  • Abnormal red blood cells

The symptoms of jaundice in infants

The main sign of jaundice in infants is a yellowish color in the skin and the whites of the eyes.

This usually becomes more prominent between the second and fourth day after birth. The color change can begin on the face and spread to the abdomen, legs and underside of the feet.

When the condition is severe, it can also be accompanied by:

  • Lack of appetite
  • Abnormally low weight
  • Sharp crying
  • A tired look


Baby at doctor

A doctor can diagnose jaundice based on the appearance of the infant. However, other tests are needed to measure the level of bilirubin in the blood.

Therefore, in addition to the physical examination, doctors often suggest:

  • A laboratory test of a blood sample ( complete blood count )
  • An analysis using “transcutaneous bilirubinometry”
  • Antiglobulin reaction
  • A reticulocyte count

Treatment of jaundice in infants

Jaundice in infants usually goes away on its own after two to three weeks without the need for further treatment. However, when it is moderate or severe, the newborn may need to be in the hospital for a few days.

How it is treated will depend on the level of bilirubin in the blood, the age of the baby, and whether it was a premature birth. An infant needs treatment if bilirubin levels are very high or increase rapidly.

Treatment may include:

Light treatment

treatment of jaundice in infants

For this treatment, the baby is exposed to a special lamp that emits light in a blue-green spectrum. This light helps to break down the bilirubin molecules  so that they can be eliminated through the urine. It is not an ultraviolet light and has a plastic protector that acts as a filter.

During this treatment, the baby will only wear a diaper and eye protection. Some places may also use a mattress that emits this light.

Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG)

When jaundice is the result of incompatibilities between the blood type of mother and child, an intravenous transfusion of immunoglobulin is used. This procedure will reduce jaundice and the need for blood transfusions.

Blood transfusion

In rare cases where there is no response to other treatments, the infant may require a blood transfusion.

This involves repeated removal of small amounts of blood to dilute the bilirubin levels and antibodies inherited from the mother. The blood is then transferred back to the baby.

Dietary habits

Infants breastfeed

If the jaundice is not severe, a doctor will recommend simple changes in the infant’s eating habits. Some mothers need help if they have difficulty breastfeeding.

The following tips can help reduce jaundice:

  • Breastfeeding more often  so that the baby has more stool.
  • Use of complementary dietary sources, such as infant formula, when breastfeeding problems occur. This may be necessary, especially if the newborn loses weight or is dehydrated.
  • Try using a breast milk substitute for a few days and then continue breast-feeding (only under the recommendation of your doctor).

When should you see a doctor?

All infants should be evaluated by a professional during the first five days of life to determine if they have jaundice. It is important to go to the emergency room if the yellowish color is accompanied by fever, loss of appetite or lethargy.

Jaundice is usually not dangerous in babies who are born at term or who do not have other diseases. Therefore, if your baby is born prematurely, he or she may require special treatment.

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