Irregular Mens? Here Are 4 Characters

Although it can be due to stress, it is still best to go to a gynecologist if you have irregular periods, to find out if something is wrong. 
Irregular menses?  Here are 4 characters

From the time of her very first menstrual period, every woman should keep an eye on her cycle and write down some of the details of each period. Knowing how your body behaves during menstruation will help you see if there are any signs of irregular menstruation.

When you are young and have first menstruated, it is common to have an irregular cycle. A normal cycle lasts between 28 and 30 days. There are even some women who have a cycle of 32 days.

A normal menstrual period lasts from three to seven days. Experts say that a period longer than 10 days is irregular. The same is said about menstruation that starts earlier or later than five days away from normal.

Irregular menstrual cycles can come from several factors. Some of them can be diseases, and others can be hormonal problems. For example, it is common to have irregular periods during adolescence. This is usually due to hormonal changes as you get older.

The same thing happens when you approach menopause.

Common signs of irregular menstruation


The most important thing when it comes to detecting irregularities is that you know how your normal cycle degenerates. This means that you need to know how many days your period lasts, and how much bleeding is normal for you.

You should also be aware of mood swings. Hair loss and weak nails can be other signs of hormonal problems. There are also some signs of irregular menstruation that may indicate an illness or other things. In all these cases, a visit to the GP will be recommended.

1. A fish-like odor

A fish-like odor is a characteristic odor that indicates bacterial reproduction in the vaginal area. In general, this is related to an infection. This means that you should see a gynecologist as soon as possible.

Infections can cause your cycle to become irregular. It can also be more complicated by other injuries. 

2. Very early or late menstruation

men's calendar

A normal cycle lasts between 28 and 32 days.

  • It is considered early if you get your period every 24 days. For young people, it is seen as irregular if it comes every 21 days.
  • On the other hand, a cycle of more than 35 days will be seen as being significantly late for adult women. For young people, the figure will be 45 days or more.

3. Very prolonged irregular while

Another sign of irregular menstruation is how long your period lasts. In general, it should last between three and five days. In some cases, it can last up to seven days.

When your period lasts longer than a week, you should see your GP. It can be a physical problem that affects it.

4. Very heavy bleeding

uterine pain

It is not easy to know what a heavy menstruation technically means. But every woman should know what is normal for her body. It is important to monitor an increase in menstruation. 

  • If you constantly need to change a tampon or bandage, there may be an increase.
  • A normal flow should require a change of tampon or bandage three to four times a day.

Symptoms associated with menstruation

For some women, abdominal pain and headaches will be common during menstruation. If the headache ends up as a migraine, it can still be a sign of a problem.

The same goes for intense muscle or back pain. Extreme mood swings should also be a warning sign. If your period comes with fever or vomiting, you should contact your doctor immediately.

Bleeding between periods

Your cycles should be clearly defined. An irregular period may be characterized by bleeding between periods. If the bleeding is heavy, you may have an infection.

In these cases, it is important to rule out miscarriage or something more serious, such as cancer.

Possible causes of irregular menstruation

gynecologist, irregular menses
  • Hormonal problems are the most common cause of irregular menstrual cycles. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or ovulation problems are two other possible causes.
  • Other causes of irregular menstruation can be eating disorders. Reduced or absent menstruation may be associated with anorexia or bulimia.
  • Athletes may also have irregular cycles. In some cases, menstruation is completely absent. This is not only associated with physical activity but also stress.
  • Chronic stress and depression can be the causes behind an irregular menstrual cycle.
  • The use of birth control pills and pregnancy are other typical triggers for menstrual disorders.

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