Interesting Reasons Why The Stomach Rumbles

It is important to understand the relationship between the stomach and the digestive system, so that you can better understand why the stomach rumbles
Interesting reasons why the stomach rumbles

It is more than just hunger that makes your stomach rumble. You may think it’s the body’s way of telling you to eat something, but it may be that the message is about more than just relieving hunger.

Digestive system

The digestive system is basically a long tube that begins at the mouth and ends at the anal hole. It is a fairly simple system, but gets complicated when you count all the different organs in your body. Food is moved through the system of muscle contractions (called peristalsis) that digest the food and move it through your body. These contractions also help your body combine fluid with solid and stomach acids.


stomach ache


Most of the sounds that come from your body are from the digestive system which mixes the contents of the stomach with fluids there. The air produced in the system bursts when the intestine makes contractions, producing the distinct popping sound. These sounds can be produced at any time, even when you are not hungry. The difference is that when the stomach is full, these sounds are less noticeable.

If the stomach is empty, then why does the digestive system contract? About two hours before the stomach is completely empty, it begins to produce certain hormones that stimulate the nervous system and sends a message to the brain that says “eat a little more.” The brain responds to these signals with an order to produce peristalsis. These contractions end up emptying your stomach, and can also provoke other hunger symbols so that you feel the urge to eat again.

What causes the stomach to rumble?

Everything we have discussed before is actually quite normal activity. When your stomach rumbles excessively, it can not only affect your health but your digestive process. This often happens for no reason. The cause of this excessive noise can be due to more than just hunger.

Strict diets

If you eat less than you are used to eating during the day or night, you can confuse your digestive system. Strict diets can often consist of foods that have certain nutrients or large amounts of calories and then produce excessively many sounds from the stomach because the food is digested faster.

Intake of noise

The mixture of gases and air in your stomach can also make your stomach rumble. If you drink soda or other carbonated drinks, you increase the amount of bubbles in the digestive system. These can crack and produce sounds in the stomach. When the body cannot eliminate or expel this excess air naturally, the process takes place inside the digestive system. Eating too fast or ingesting air with food is also the cause of this symptom.


cold drink

Food intolerances

Lactose is found in milk, yogurt, creams and cheese and is the most common food intolerance. When these components remain in the stomach for too long, bacteria present can produce extra gas in the system. You should always refrain from eating foods for which you have a food intolerance.


Gastric ulcer in the digestive system can also be a cause. This condition is accompanied by pain and discomfort and has nothing to do with hunger. You should adjust your diet to solve this problem.

Symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome

The symptoms of this disorder are similar to those of stomach ulcers, because in addition to causing stomach upsets, you will experience severe pain after eating certain foods.


How to control the condition?

When the condition is not directly related to a medical condition, you can do certain things to help control or alleviate it.

  • Chew your food well. When the body combines the solids and fluids in the stomach, less gas will be produced.
  • Take a cup of tea after a meal, such as mint, which can help relieve stomach problems.
  • Do not breathe too deeply while eating and reduce the amount of air you swallow.
  • Eat less. Snacks are easier to digest and do not give the stomach the opportunity to send signals that it is hungry to the brain.



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