How To Remove Slave Naturally From Hands And Feet

Everyone wants soft hands and feet. Slavery can make your skin look rough. If you want to learn how to remove slaves in a natural way, read this article!
This is how you can remove slave naturally from your hands and feet

It appears when you do not take care of your body. Usually in the form of a problem. In some areas, your abuse will be obvious to casual observers. Slavery is one of those problems. If you want to learn how to help remove slaves in a natural way, read on!

Slaves are only thicker layers of skin  that are responsible for protecting an area where friction or pressure has had its effect. These can occur on the hands or feet and are very common among people of all ages.

One thing must be clear: There is nothing to fear from a slave. This type of problem is not serious and can almost always be solved at home. Just follow the tips we share here to see improvements.

Hydration can help remove slaves

  • Find a container where you can lower the area of ​​your hand or foot that is affected by the slave into.
  • Add boiling water and chamomile flowers to the container.
  • Once the liquid has cooled to a tolerable temperature, soak the affected area for 10 minutes.
  • This will loosen your slave so you can remove it.

2. Natural acids

Lemon juice and lemons standing on a kitchen counter.

Cut a lemon into slices and apply the slices on the affected areas with a cloth to hold them in place.

The acids from this citrus fruit help you remove your slaves, but it will take a little longer than the first method. We recommend leaving it on overnight.

Be careful not to expose this area to sunlight, which can cause blemishes on the skin and leave ugly marks.

3. Water and baking soda are mixed to remove slave

You can make a pasta with hot water and baking soda.

  • You should only use three teaspoons of baking soda for each cup of water.
  • Once you have the desired consistency, you can apply it on trawls as a paste.
  • Leave it on for 30 minutes and then rinse the area.

4. Simple homemade ointment


If you have some garlic and olive oil at home, you can make an ointment to treat this problem.

  • Take a clove of garlic and mash it with a little olive oil to make a homemade treatment.
  • Just like with the lemon slices, this takes more time to take effect, so you should leave it on overnight.

5. Onions

This is a treatment that requires patience. Onions are a food that has anti-inflammatory properties, so it is great if you suffer from slavery. Cut an onion in half and apply it on the affected area.

It will take some time to see improvements, but if you have the patience, you will notice the results. If you do not mind the smell of the onion, this may be the treatment for you.

6. White vinegar

White vinegar against slave.

This is another ingredient that contains acids that can help remove slaves.

  • Mix some white vinegar with water and moisten the slave with it.
  • Cover the area overnight.
  • Use a foot file in the morning to remove the softened slave.
  • Then clean the affected area and see the results.

7. Nettle and marigold to remove slave

Nettle is a plant that is often used in alternative medicine thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties. This is no exception when it comes to removing slaves.

  • Mix a little nettle with warm water until you get a paste.
  • Apply this on the hard skin and cover. It is best to leave it covered for a couple of hours.

Marigold is another plant that is ideal for treating this problem. You can prepare and use it in the same way as nettle.

How to prevent slavery

You can follow some simple tips to prevent these unwanted visitors from appearing. When buying new shoes, for example, make sure they are not too tight. It may not seem like they are too tight when you are in the store, but eventually they will start to affect the skin.

Since slaves can also appear on the hands, it is important to keep this area constantly hydrated. Use moisturizing creams after showering.

You should also avoid doing certain things on your hands and feet:

  • To use abrasive materials that apply a lot of pressure.
  • Not to dry the area well.
  • To always wear the same shoes or gloves.

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