How To Relieve A Stuffy Nose In Less Than A Minute

Depending on the cause of the stuffy nose, you should find the right way to combat the symptoms. Thanks to a helpful acupressure technique, you can achieve relief in one minute.
How to relieve stuffy nose in less than a minute

Nasal congestion is a health problem that occurs when the mucous membranes of the nose become inflamed. This happens when bacteria and allergens are present and can be triggered by many factors. It can be so uncomfortable that it prevents people from performing their daily activities.

A stuffy nose is a symptom that indicates that you are about to catch a cold or the flu. It may also be due to another respiratory problem. It can be caused by allergies, changes in the weather and pollution. Whatever the cause of your stuffy nose, it is a very unpleasant problem. It prevents you from breathing normally and can cause severe headaches.

Also read: 9 dangerous bacteria that are harmful to humans

What are the main causes of stuffy and runny nose?

As we have already mentioned, stuffy nose is a common symptom of colds, flu and allergies. By finding out what is causing your stuffy nose, you can find the best way to fight it.

2 colds
  • Colds : Colds are the main cause of stuffy nose. When you suffer from a cold, your nose will become irritated and it is not uncommon to sneeze as often as every five minutes.
  • Allergies : People have many different allergies that can cause a stuffy nose. Some people are allergic to dust, pollen, soil or animal hair. When these become clogged in the nose, it is because the lungs work hard to prevent the absorption of these substances. You should therefore investigate whether your sneezing is caused by an allergy or disease.
  • Weather changes : Rapid changes in the weather can lower the body’s defense mechanisms and lead to allergic reactions. A stuffy nose can occur after you have been exposed to strong winds.

Once you know what is causing your stuffy nose, you can look for the best way to treat it. If possible, always try to treat the cause of the symptoms. We know how difficult it can be to get rid of a stuffy nose. Therefore, we will share some excellent alternative methods with you. These relieve a stuffy nose in just one minute.

Once you have learned this excellent option for combating a stuffy nose, you will never need to use medication again. This is a simple, healthy and effective method to combat problems associated with stuffy nose.

How to relieve a stuffy nose in less than a minute


It may seem incredible that you can treat a stuffy nose in a minute. The truth is that it is possible thanks to an acupressure technique from traditional Chinese medicine. This technique can actually help you relieve various pains, and keep your nose open.

Acupressure is an effective method that involves applying pressure to certain parts of the body using the fingertips. Then you release the pressure. This must be done three times a day if you want it to be effective.

  • 1st pressure point, earlobe : Massage an earlobe gently ten times.
  • 2nd pressure point, behind the earlobe, at the very bottom and just below the cartilage : Press and release ten times, without applying direct pressure to the cartilage.
  • 3rd pressure point, over the bridge of the nose, between the eyebrows : Apply a light pressure in this place for one minute. This is especially helpful in ensuring that the sinuses do not become inflamed or dry.
  • 4th pressure point, below the cheeks, in direct line with the eye pupil : Apply pressure to this part of the face, then release. This helps to open the sinuses and fight tightness.
  • 5th pressure point, under the nostrils : Place your fingertips under the nostrils, pressing gently with circular motions.
  • Repeat ten times.

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