How Can You Have A Strong Mother / Child Relationship?

Every mother dreams of having a good relationship with her child. This is possible, but as with all other matters, it must be worked on daily from the bases of communication, trust and support. Find out more in the article below.
How can you have a strong mother / child relationship?

A strong mother / child relationship is a dream all mothers have.

The love between a mother and her children is real and unconditional, there is no doubt about it. Still, relationships are not always easy. For this reason, we will share a number of tips so you can understand and get along with your child in the best way possible.

Do you want to have a good mother / child relationship?

Set aside time for each other

Mother and daughter

Set aside time from your schedule and spend quality time with your child your. Take part in an activity you both enjoy. Sit down with your child and ask how things are going in their private lives, how they do it at school and watch a movie together.

United is a great opportunity to spend good times with your child.

Even if you work during the holidays, keep the weekends free and do fun things with them. Nevertheless, you should respect the moments that your child is busy. And let them know that they too should respect it when you are busy. You both should understand that it is a right time for everything, and that if it was not possible today, then there will be a new day tomorrow.

2. Know what your child likes

Mother and daughter

Find out what kind of activities your child enjoys doing. This is how easy it is to know what kind of things you can do together. Observe what your child is doing, but do not overdo it. See what kind of things they do regularly, what their favorite hobby is, what colors they like, what TV shows they watch on TV, and  pay attention when they talk to you.

Observe your child to make sure that they do not have friendships that lead to negative behavior. If you see your child reading, ask them what they read and why they like what they read. If your child watches movies, watch them and enjoy them together. If you want to see your child play, ask them what play they are playing and why they like it so much.

This is how you can get clues about what your child likes and they will be happy that you are involved in the things they like. At the same time,  they will be happy that you are with them to do their favorite activities.

3. Help your child with their homework

Mother and daughter reading a book

Helping your child with their tasks is an important step in shaping a good mother / child relationship. Supporting your child in their tasks is a gesture that they will remember throughout their lives. Sit down with your child and do homework together. As a mother, you must participate in your child’s education  and learning, and give them all your support. Do not give your child the answers, but just help them find them.

Congratulate your child when they get good grades in school and let them know that you are proud of them. And if they have not had a good day, let your child know that they can come to you with all kinds of problems. Make sure the lessons are not tedious. Help your child study for tests through quiz games or by asking them to explain what they have learned.

4. Talk to your child and listen to them

Communication is the foundation of any relationship, and this is no exception. You should listen to your child, let them know that they can come to you when they need it. Make them understand that you want to be there to listen, understand and give advice.

When talking to your child, do so in a kind way and address the main points of the conversation. By doing this, your child will not be bored or think you are trying to give them a lesson. Look your child in the eye and let them do the same.

Be interested in the things your child is interested in. For example, if your child wants to go to the movies with some friends, do not deny them the opportunity to go. Ask about the movies at the cinema and who they should go with.

5. Support your child for a strong mother / child relationship

Mother and sad daughter

Support is an important step in achieving a good mother / child relationship. Once you discover their talents, encourage them to join an activity: swimming, dancing, music, etc. These should be according to your preferences and  you should support it in every step you take.

Do everything possible to attend important events or activities and give them some encouraging words. Let them know that no matter how it goes you are proud of them, that you will always be there and smile and applaud them.

In those cases where you cannot attend an important event, make it clear that it is one of those situations that is beyond your control. Still, tell your child that they can count on you when they need it and that you trust them to do their best.

6. Trust your child

Children often lie occasionally. Regardless, if this happens it is because you might as well do so and they may think that this behavior is normal. Be honest with yourself and with those around you. Keep your promises and learn your child to keep the word his. If they say they are going to do something, say they are going to do it.

When you see your child performing their duties responsibly, you can begin to trust them more. From time to time, comfort your child and reward them for good attitude. This will help you a long way to achieve a strong mother / child relationship.

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