Four Surprising Uses For Aspirin That You Have Probably Never Heard Of

Did you know that you can use aspirin as a face mask? Find out more in this article!
Four surprising uses for aspirin that you have probably never heard of

There are many uses for aspirin. A few years ago it was a common medicine that we used for many things. Over time, alternative uses have come to light. Are we not taking advantage of all the benefits it has? From the title of this post, you have probably guessed that we are actually underestimating the potential of aspirin.

In general, we use aspirin to reduce pain and fever. This means that it has anti-inflammatory properties and is perfect for increasing blood flow. On the other hand, people with blood circulation problems use it as a blood-thinning treatment.

With all these wonderful properties, aspirin can be used for problems that go beyond the common cold, flu or mild pain. It is also great for topical use. In fact, your skin will greatly appreciate that you apply it.

However, if you have experienced allergic reactions when taking aspirin, do not use it on your skin, as you will develop the same type of symptoms.

So remember, if you have an intolerance to acetylsalicylic acid, you can not use these tricks.

Four surprising uses for aspirin

1. Repair face mask

Aspirin as a face mask

Accumulation of fat on the face is due to a circulatory problem, so aspirin is very useful. In addition, fatigue may appear as dark circles and swelling in some areas of your face. This is how this simple remedy becomes your best ally by maintaining a smooth, light and hydrated skin tone.


  • 6 aspirin tablets
  • 1 tablespoon honey (25 g)
  • 1 tablespoon unsweetened natural yogurt (18 g)


  • Place the aspirin tablets in a mortar and grind them well.
  • Mix the honey in the yoghurt and then add the aspirin powder.


  • Spread the mixture evenly over the face to take full advantage of all the ingredients.
  • Let the mask work for 10 minutes before removing it with warm water.
  • As soon as you rinse it off, you will notice improvements in the smoothness of your skin.

2. Reduce acne


In addition to the benefits and uses of aspirin that we have already discussed, another great aspect of aspirin is its healing properties. This makes it a great ally in the fight against acne.

To improve this treatment, we recommend that you include lemon because of its antibiotic properties. Apply this treatment in the evening to avoid side effects when you come in contact with the sun’s rays.


  • 4 aspirin tablets
  • ½ cup of water (125 ml)
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice (5 ml)


  • Crush the aspirin tablets and place them in the glass with water. Then add lemon juice.
  • Mix everything and stir until the tablets dissolve.


  • Before going to bed, soak a cotton ball in the liquid and apply it on pimples and impurities.

3. Relief from insect bites

Mosquito bites

In this case , we take advantage of the anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties of aspirin. When aspirin is dissolved in water and the mixture is applied to a bite, you will notice that the itching and burning sensation are relieved faster than with conventional creams.

In addition, the risk of developing a scar will be greatly reduced since aspirin has very strong healing properties.

4. Remove sweat stains


How many times have we had to throw out our favorite shirt due to sweat stains? Sometimes the stain is so strong that it seems impossible to remove it, but before you give up, try this.


  • 7 aspirin tablets
  • Water (as needed)


  • Crush 7 aspirin tablets into a powder and stir with a small amount of warm water until you have a kind of cream.


  • Rub the mixture only on the sweat stains.
  • Leave it overnight, without rinsing.
  • After approx. 12 hours, wash garment normally. You will notice an immediate improvement.

Do you still think that there are only a few uses for aspirin? We hope you do not believe it anymore. These are just some of the homemade treatments you can use to protect and pamper your skin and clothing.

However, there are many, many more. In any case, if you know of other benefits that have worked well, or if you have any questions, we are ready to answer and share everything we know with you.

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