Four “peel-off ” Gelatin Masks To Revitalize Your Skin

These “peel-off” gelatin masks are rich in amino acids derived from collagen, and will make your skin look like a movie star’s skin!
Four "peel-off" gelatin masks to revitalize your skin

Do you like jelly? It is very likely that the answer is “yes”, because the taste and texture are very good. However, jelly is not the only thing you can use gelatin for: it is good for your skin as well, especially with certain gelatin masks to revitalize the skin!

Try some of the masks we share today and you will definitely love the result and start using them more often. The best thing about such gelatin masks is that they are extremely cheap, easy to make and easy to use.

What is gelatin?

Before you prepare any peel-off gelatin masks, you will probably know of some good reasons to use them on your face. The first thing you should know is that gelatin is a compound of amino acids derived from collagen. Yes, it is also an ingredient found in many of the super expensive creams you can buy to make your skin look better!

The two amino acids found in gelatin in large quantities are glycine and proline. Both are derived from bones, cartilage and other similar animal organs. These amino acids are essential for having soft skin and promoting hair and nail growth.  And if that’s not enough, they also improve your immunity and help regulate your body weight.

Which product should I use for peel-off gelatin masks?


A common question about such gelatin masks is whether any type of jelly can be used. The answer is no”. The only type you should use for these recipes is the one that has no taste, called gelatin. It is very economical and you can buy it in small, very thin “sheets”, or in powder form.

Try both of these types if you have never used them and find the one that is easiest to use.

Gelatin mask with kiwi and papaya to revitalize the skin

Do you want your skin to look softer and have no visible dead cells? Try this option. When you remove this mask, you will see how it removes all the small flakes that make your skin look dull.


  • 2 tbsp gelatin
  • 125 ml papaya juice
  • 125 ml kiwi juice

Preparation and use

  • Mix the juice from the fruit and add the gelatin little by little.
  • Heat all the ingredients on high heat and stir constantly until everything is well mixed.
  • When the three ingredients are well mixed, remove from the heat and let them cool for 15 minutes or until the gelatin is slightly firm but still liquid.
  • Apply the mask to your freshly washed face and let it dry completely.
  • Start pulling off the mask by  starting from the chin moving up to the forehead.
  • Wash your face with cold water to remove any residue.

Kiwi and papaya juice are rich in vitamin C and enzymes. This makes them ideal for giving the face a healthy glow, while gelatin eliminates impurities. Apply the mask once a week.

2. Peel-off gelatin masks with cucumber and lemon to revitalize the skin

Cucumber and lemon

Do you have not only dead skin cells on your face, but also acne and scars ? In that case, we recommend this mask. The acid in the lemon will facilitate the elimination of the deepest impurities, while cucumber hydrates your skin.


  • 2 tablespoons gelatin in powder form
  • 1 small cucumber
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice

Preparation and use

  • Peel a squash, grate it and cut it into small pieces.
  • Mix cucumber and lemon juice in a blender.
  • Pour the mixture into a small saucepan and set it on low heat.
  • Add the gelatin and stir constantly until it thickens.
  • Remove the mixture from the heat and let it cool until you can easily apply it on your face.
  • Leave the mask on your face  until it dries completely.
  • Remove it from the chin and upwards, and wash the face with cold water.
  • Apply your favorite moisturizer.

It is important to avoid constant exposure to the sun for a few days after applying this mask.

Gelatin mask with milk will revitalize your skin

This “peel-off” mask works very well to remove blackheads. The lactic acid from the milk can remove the deepest impurities so that the gelatin can work more easily.


  • 1 tbsp gelatin
  • 1 tbsp milk

Preparation and use

  • Mix the gelatin with the milk until it is completely dissolved.
  • Put the mixture in the microwave and heat it for 5 seconds.
  • Let it cool a bit, and apply it to the “T” zone, or other places where you have blackheads.
  • Allow the mask to dry before pulling it off the chin and up.
  • Wash face with cold water and repeat use  once a week.

4. Mask with aloe vera and green tea

Aloe vera to revitalize the skin

This peel-off face mask is very refreshing and moisturizing. We recommend that you use this if you are sunburned and your skin suffers from the consequences of it.


  • 3 tbsp gelatin
  • 2 tbsp aloe vera gel
  • 62 ml of green tea

Preparation and use

  • While the green tea is still warm, add gelatin and aloe vera to it.
  • Mix well until the mixture has a cream-like consistency.
  • When the mask is warm enough, apply it to your face and let it dry completely.
  • Take off the mask and remove residue with cold water, without rubbing your skin.

If the sunburn is severe, you can apply some aloe vera jelly after removing the mask. This will help reduce the discomfort faster and revitalize your skin.

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