Five Tips For Efficient Cleaning Of Taps

Depending on the hardness of the water in your area, calcium can build up on taps. Besides clogging them, this can make your faucets look ugly. Try these amazing natural cleaning products to make sure your sinks look great in no time!
Five tips for efficient cleaning of taps

No matter how hard you try to keep your house clean, your faucets can sometimes play a trick on you. This is especially true if you live in an area that has hard water. Then cleaning taps can be a big challenge.

The water condition can cause  limescale deposits that cause your taps to stop shining, or it can cause white and yellow stains that are very difficult to remove.

Today we want to give you some advice for easy and efficient cleaning of taps in your home.

We will also use natural ingredients. That way, you do not have to resort to commercial products. Many times these products do not give the results they promise.

How to make the faucets shine as if they were new?

Hard water is water that has a high level of minerals. Especially magnesium and calcium salts.

If you live in an area where this type of water is common, you have probably had to fight against build-up of lime. This forms on specific surfaces in your house that are in contact with hard water.

In severe cases, the buildup may have partially blocked water from getting out of your taps.

The stains caused by lime seem to be difficult to get rid of. However, anything is possible with a good descaler.

The good news is that the best products to get rid of these stains are things you probably already have at home.

It will take some patience and effort on your part, but you will definitely see the best results when cleaning your faucets.

Learn more!

Clear vinegar or lemon: A great help for cleaning taps

efficient cleaning of taps

One formula that is very effective in getting rid of accumulated lime on your taps is to use a mixture of clear vinegar and water. If you do not have vinegar, you can use lemon juice.


  • 1/2 cup vinegar or lemon juice
  • 1/2 cup water

How do you do it?

  • First, soak a paper towel or clean rag with this liquid. Wrap the faucet in it.
  • Then cover the tap with a plastic bag.
  • Let the mixture work for at least an hour.
  • Remove the packaging.
  • With a brush, scrub the faucet well.
  • Rinse with plenty of water and dry.

This method also gives good results when you want to remove limescale that is stuck on the coffee maker and kettle. They will look like when you first got them!

2. Ethyl alcohol: makes your taps shiny

Ethyl alcohol: makes your taps shiny

Ethanol, also called ethyl alcohol, is an antiseptic. Usually most homes have it on hand.

This is also a great option for cleaning faucets.

How do you do it?

All you need to do is moisten a towel with this liquid and rub. You will see that the lime disappears and your taps will regain their normal shine.

Flour: a food that also removes stains from taps

Flour is a food that you probably have in your kitchen cupboard. Did you know that it can also help you make your faucets clean and shiny?

How do you do it?

  • For this trick to work, your faucet must be completely dry.
  • Then sprinkle flour on the tap.
  • Take a cloth and rub the tap until it shines. You will see that the limescale stains disappear.

4. Toothpaste: it also cleans your taps

Clean the taps efficiently

In addition to guaranteeing that you will have healthy and beautiful teeth, toothpaste is perfect for cleaning taps.

In this case, exclude gold or bronze taps.

How do you do it?

  • Apply toothpaste all over the surface.
  • Rub well with a soft towel.
  • Rinse.

5. Do not forget to clean the wash filters

If you live in areas with hard water, it is likely that you will use filters on taps.

In that case, keep in mind that lime also builds up there. It also takes away from your water pressure. Therefore, you also need to clean these.

How to clean lime deposits in filters?

  • Remove the filter.
  • Leave it for a couple of hours in a mixture of equal parts vinegar and warm water.
  • If any limescale remains there, get rid of them with a needle.
  • Wash the filter well and put it back in place.

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