Five Natural Remedies To Help You Deal With Polycystic Ovary Disease

Remember that these natural remedies compliment the medical treatment for ovarian disease, and should therefore never replace it.
Five natural remedies to help you deal with polycystic ovary disease

Polycystic ovary disease (PCOS) is a feminine hormonal disease. It happens when the ovaries make more androgen than estrogen and progesterone. These are committed to the process of forming and releasing eggs during the hormonal cycle.

This is a problem that thickens the end of the ovaries. At the same time, they suffer from the formation of small cysts or follicles.

Although benign, these cysts create inflammatory imbalances  in tissues. In addition, in most cases they trigger other symptoms that affect your quality of life. This includes the fact that many of the affected women have  problems with fertility and irregular menstruation. Fortunately, this is a condition that you can deal with through the practice of healthy habits and proper medical treatment.

This allows you to reduce the severity of your symptoms. In addition  , it often reduces the impact that polycystic ovary disease has on your fertility.

On top of this, there are several naturally based remedies. Because of their properties, they make it easier for you to control your hormones. This will help you to counteract the effects of this disease in the best possible way.

Discover them!

Natural Remedies To Deal With Polycystic Ovarian Disease

Flaxseed against polycystic ovary disease


Due to their high content of omega-3 and 6 fatty acids, flaxseed is incredibly good. They control the excessive production of androgens, the hormone that is the main cause of polycystic ovary disease. In addition, they also help reduce the level of inflammation in your tissues, and they help control menstrual irregularities.


  • 1 tablespoon of flaxseed
  • 1 glass of water

How do you consume them?

  • Put a tablespoon of flaxseed in a glass of water. After two to three hours, strain the liquid and drink it.
  • If you wish, you can add flaxseed to your salads, soups and smoothies.
  • Try to include them in moderate amounts in your daily diet.

2. Fenugreek clover seeds

Fenugreek seeds have become popular because of their ability to  control high levels of blood pressure and blood sugar. In addition, they have anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects. These help you get rid of fluid that is retained in your tissues, which reduces  their level of inflammation.

These seeds give you fatty acids and antioxidants. By controlling your hormonal activity, they help soothe the discomfort caused by polycystic ovary disease.


  • 1 tablespoon of fenugreek seeds
  • 1 glass of water
  • Honey to taste

How do you consume them?

  • Add a tablespoon of seeds to a glass of water and  leave for six to eight hours.
  • After this time, mix them with some honey and eat them.
  • Eat them every day, preferably for breakfast.

Cinnamon is a spice that has become popular due to its  relaxing, antispasmodic and digestive effects. Its active compounds control your blood sugar. In addition , it also supports metabolic functions that burn calories. In the case of PCOS, it helps  reduce inflammation. It also helps with irregular menstruation and the formation of cysts.


  • 1 teaspoon of cinnamon
  • 1 glass of water

How do you drink it?

  • Heat the water, and when it reaches the boiling point, add the teaspoon of cinnamon.
  • Leave it for 10 minutes before drinking it.
  • You can also add cinnamon to your smoothies and desserts.

4. Licorice root

Licorice root is a plant that helps reduce the excessive production of male hormones in women affected by this condition. Its compounds  help promote ovulation and stimulate metabolic activity. This can be affected by hormonal imbalances.


  • 1 teaspoon of licorice root
  • 1 glass of water

How do you drink it?

  • Add a teaspoon of licorice root to a cup of boiling water. After this, let it soak for 15 minutes before drinking the tea.
  • Drink this tea  twice a day, every day.

Note: Avoid this remedy if you suffer from high blood pressure.

5. Mint


The properties of mint can  help you regulate hormonal imbalances. These can affect the onset of this disease. While it does not resolve the formation of cysts, drinking it will compliment the treatments prescribed by your doctor. It is perfect for  preventing the abundant amount of hair. It also reduces acne and other symptoms related to this disease.


  • 1 tablespoon of mint leaves
  • 1 cup of water

How do you drink it?

  • Add a tablespoon of mint leaves to a cup of boiling water. Let it soak for  15 to 20 minutes.
  • When ready, strain the liquid and drink it.
  • Drink it  two to three times a day,  every day.
  • Alternatively, you can add the mint leaves to your natural drinks and smoothies.

Try the remedies we have mentioned. See how good the benefits are for reducing the impact of PCOS symptoms. Keep in mind that even if these are not a cure,  drinking them will promote your well-being.

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