Five Delicious, Nutritious And Simple Recipes With Avocado

Avocado is great for keeping the skin healthy, as it plays a role in the formation of new cells.
Five delicious, nutritious and simple recipes with avocado

Do you like avocados? Do you eat it a lot? It is a very healthy fruit that is rich in fatty acids, but it had a bad reputation for many years. However, even though it is rich in fat, you should know that it is actually very good for you. Here are five delicious, nutritious and simple avocado recipes.

A diet that includes avocados will help you to:

  • keep the skin moisturized
  • form new cells
  • give your skin elasticity

If you do not know where to start, you can make the following avocado recipes. There is something for everyone, so it will not be difficult to find one you like. Clear? Tell us which is your favorite.

1. Tropical avocado smoothie

Five delicious, nutritious and simple recipes with avocado

If you are practical and looking for something fast, you will love the first avocado recipe. It has a fresh, surprising taste and may be one of your favorites.

Pineapple adds an exotic flavor and contains antioxidants and a high proportion of water. It is great for your skin. Coconut water provides moisture, vitamins and minerals, and the avocado complements everything with its creamy, soft texture.

Try this smoothie if you do not drink enough water and want something with a piƱa colada taste. We are sure you will love it.


  • 250 ml coconut water
  • 1 slice of pineapple
  • 1/4 ripe avocado
  • 1 teaspoon chia seeds (5 g)
  • 125 g washed, chopped spinach


  • Mix all the ingredients and drink at once.

You can add a few ice cubes if it’s a hot day. It will also prevent the smoothie from getting dark as a result of the oxidation of the avocado.

2. Simple recipes with avocado: Light avocado cream

Do you want something that is easy to make, light and suitable for lunch? This cream is perfect as a dressing for meat, fish or just on your own. The best options to follow it are grilled, cooked or steamed meat.


  • 60 ml chicken broth without fat
  • 1 ripe diced avocado, peeled and without stones
  • 125 ml natural yogurt with little fat
  • 1/4 small onion
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 bunch of coriander
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil (15 ml)


  • Mix avocado, yogurt, onion, coriander, salt and pepper until it forms a cream.
  • Heat the oil in a medium saucepan.
  • Add the mixture from the blender and keep on low heat until it boils.
  • Add chicken broth and more salt and pepper if necessary. Let it boil again until you have a creamy consistency.

To serve this recipe as a soup, garnish with just a few avocado cubes and cilantro. Try it with bread or croutons. If you are making the cream for the meat or protein, you can add a tablespoon or two when serving.

You can vary the cream thickness by changing the amount of chicken broth. Another way to use this cream is on pasta – the result is very creamy and the kids love it.

3. Traditional Mexican guacamole

Pesto, avocado and guacamole on bread.

Do you want a classic, delicious recipe with avocado that is easy to make? If so, you will love the following avocado recipe. The ingredients make it perfect for vegetarians who like a slightly spicy taste. Accompany this guacamole with some tortilla chips or serve it as a garnish for your proteins.


  • 1/4 garlic in small cubes
  • 2 small seedless chillies cut into cubes
  • 1 lemon (juice)
  • 1/2 ripe diced avocado
  • 1 medium tomato, diced


  • Combine all the ingredients in a bowl and serve. You can add a little salt if you want, but it is not necessary.

4. Recipes with avocado: Avocado and bean salad

The next avocado recipe is ideal for adding protein to your diet. Due to its simple and fresh taste, it is perfect for hot summer days.


  • 1 ripe avocado divided into cubes
  • Juice from a lemon
  • 125 g beans, drained
  • 2 tablespoons diced onion (30 g)
  • 1 tablespoon finely chopped coriander (15 g)
  • 1/2 ripe diced tomato


  • Mix all the ingredients in a bowl and serve.

Serve the salad with corn chips. You can also use this recipe to make a burrito. To do this, simply wrap it in a tortilla of flour.

5. Chocolate and avocado milkshake

Chocolate and avocado smoothie.

The latest avocado recipe is a nutritious, sweet alternative that is perfect for the whole family. We recommend it especially for children who refuse to eat healthy food. It’s a great way to get them to consume more vitamins and minerals. From now on, replace purchased chocolate shakes with this one.


  • 1/4 ripe avocado
  • 1 teaspoon cocoa powder (15 g)
  • 250 ml almond milk
  • 1/2 teaspoon granulated splenda (2.5 g)


  • Mix all the ingredients and serve immediately.

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