Find Out How To Clean Your Kidneys With Parsley And Lemon

Find out how to cleanse your kidneys with parsley and lemon

The mixture of parsley and lemon is rich in vitamins and is highly recommended for people who have anemia. In addition, it cleanses the kidneys.

There are not many other plants that clean as well as parsley. It is used as a spice in many recipes, but parsley also has medicinal properties that are very effective against many ailments. Mixed with lemon juice, it will create a good detoxifying treatment for the kidneys. In this article we will show you how.

Why do we need to detoxify the kidneys?

A cleansing of the kidneys should not only be performed from time to time. It should be a habit, included in our daily lives. It will improve our health. Remember that the purpose of cleansing the kidneys is to cleanse the blood and remove excess waste in the body. What happens to us when the kidneys do not function properly and proteins or toxins begin to build up? The blood clots with these toxins and makes us sick. For example, it can cause colic, kidney stones or other diseases. This must be avoided. The following tips will help, and it is important to follow them:

  • Drink enough fluids and try to limit your intake of dairy products
  • Reduce the intake of processed foods
  • Replace animal protein with vegetable sources
  • Remove salt from your meals, as well as sweets, and try to avoid alcohol

It takes effort, but there is no doubt that you will feel much better…

How do you know it’s time to detoxify your kidneys?

Note the following:

  • What your urine looks like – especially what color it is. Does it look like coffee or cola? This is a clear indication that you have a kidney problem
  • High levels of tension
  • Back pain, especially in the lower back that radiates to the abdomen
  • Excessive thirst
  • Frequent need to urinate, without the feeling of relief
  • Swollen ankles or even swelling around the eyes
  • Unexplained exhaustion

Keep in mind that these symptoms can be caused by many other diseases or conditions. But if you experience more than two or three of them, it’s probably time to visit your doctor.

How can you use parsley and lemon to cleanse the kidneys?

1. Parsley

  • Parsley is an antioxidant ; it helps  to renew the cells and improve kidney function
  • This herb is rich in minerals that help the kidneys remove toxins and fats from the vital organs.
  • It contains carotene, chlorophyll and vitamin C. These are ideal for fighting infections, tumors and of course strengthening the body’s immune system
  • Parsley is diuretic. It helps the body eliminate fluid naturally
  • It reduces high blood pressure

2. Lemon

Find out how to cleanse your kidneys with parsley and lemon

Lemon juice is rich in vitamins C and B. These help to strengthen and take care of the blood vessels in the kidneys, which are important in the fight against high blood pressure. Lemons are amazing!

Lemon is low in sodium but high in potassium, which is ideal for the kidneys. Many doctors recommend replacing salt with lemon. It’s easy and very healthy!

How do you use parsley and lemon?

It’s very simple. In this article we will give you some simple recipes on how to use parsley and lemon. It is a good idea to do this at least twice a week.

How do you make it?

You will need five leaves of parsley. Wash them first, then boil a liter of water in a saucepan. Add parsley to the boiling water to bring out the plant’s cleansing properties.

This is a classic treatment that you have probably heard of. Natural medicine is usually quite effective, thanks to the therapeutic benefits of plants. After the parsley has boiled in the water for a while, add the juice from a lemon. Then it’s done!

And when should you drink it? This recipe gives four cups, so start with a glass in the morning on an empty stomach. Drink one more after lunch, one in the afternoon and one after dinner. It will improve digestion, and of course cleanse the kidneys. 

You can repeat this once or twice a week. The taste can be intense, but do not forget that this extract contains many vitamins, which will give you lots of energy and also help if you suffer from anemia. So why not start today? The kidneys will thank you!

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