Discover Three Yoga Exercises To Deal With Stress

Some yoga exercises can help us fight stress and focus on the present moment so that anxiety does not take over our lives
Discover three yoga exercises to deal with stress

Yoga is a form of exercise that is quite popular nowadays. Due to the common stress and anxiety-related problems that currently exist, various yoga exercises are a wonderful exercise to deal with this better.

Stress is harmful to your health. Not only does it manifest itself as excessive hair loss and mood swings, but the body begins to somatize various problems  that are all related to stress.

Migraines, cramps and abdominal pain can be taken care of when you are willing to deal with stress with something as effective as yoga exercises.

By using new mental approaches in daily life, improving our diet and getting professional help, we will undoubtedly improve our well-being.

Below you can read about three yoga exercises that will help you deal with stress.

Yoga exercises to reduce stress

1. Breathing exercises

Practicing yoga means, among other things, doing breathing exercises. Although they initially make us believe that this technique can help us reduce anxiety and stress, it must be said that it is a very effective strategy.

This is demonstrated, for example , in this study conducted by the University of Calcutta and published in the International Journal of Preventive Medicine, where its benefits for improving our cardiorespiratory efficacy are evident.

woman meditating - yoga exercises to deal with stress

Many of the breathing exercises done during yoga should not be limited to yoga classes, but should also be done at home. For example, before going to bed or when you wake up. You will get great benefits from it and you will notice it as soon as you start doing them.

  • Breathe with your stomach: Place one hand over your stomach and fill it with air. Hold your breath for a few seconds and exhale. Do this slowly and without rushing.
  • 4-7-8-breath: Inhale deeply and count to 4. After counting to 4, hold your breath while counting to 7. Exhale slowly while counting to 8. Repeat the exercise.

These are two fairly common and simple yoga exercises, in addition to many others with different variations. Doing these exercises can greatly help you relax physically and mentally.

2. Meditation

Many yoga exercises involve meditation at the beginning or end of each session. Meditation is good because it allows you to stop and observe your thoughts. By doing so, you can relax and gain greater emotional awareness.

When meditating, breathe slowly and make sure you concentrate every time a thought takes over and makes your mind wander. The idea is to focus on the present for as long as possible, and control your thoughts about your current and future stress.

You can meditate while sitting in the lotus position, which can be done while lying or sitting against a wall. Meditate in the position you think is most comfortable.

3. Progressive muscle relaxation

The latest yoga exercise that helps you practice stress management involves progressive muscle relaxation. It is usually done before the last relaxation exercises to relax the whole body and release as much stress as possible.

Progressive muscle relaxation involves focusing on each body part and scanning the body from head to toe while tightening and relaxing the muscles. For example, you would normally start with your legs by tightening them while inhaling. Then relax while exhaling.

woman shavasana yoga

Then you can move on to the rest of your body – the gluteal muscles, arms, hands, eyes and even your mouth by sticking out your tongue. You will notice the feeling of relaxation after doing this exercise. It will make you feel rejuvenated.

Conclusion on the use of yoga exercises to deal with stress

The yoga exercises mentioned above are very effective in treating stress. As shown, this set of exercises is very important for relaxing physically and mentally. Yoga positions are really useful!

Performing these exercises when you wake up or when you feel tense – or during a break – will help you enjoy the present more and keep stress under control. Because even though we can sometimes avoid being stressed, you at least have the power to reduce it.

Stress is unhealthy, and you should prevent it from becoming chronic and becoming a part of you, and following you wherever you go. With a little patience and by adding yoga exercises to your routine, you will be able to cope with stress so that it does not take over your life.

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