Diagnosis And Treatment Of Viral Pharyngitis

Viral pharyngitis is an inflammation caused by a virus. It is a common infection that in most cases does not cause complications. The symptoms only last for a few days.
Diagnosis and treatment of viral pharyngitis

Viral pharyngitis is the most common variant of this disease. Between 60 and 80% of cases are actually caused by a viral infection. However, people use antibiotics, which is a bad idea. This is because this type of medicine only works against bacterial conditions.

Usually, this variant of the disease occurs more often in colder climates or seasons. It is a contagious infection, so the best preventative measure is to avoid contact with someone who is already ill.

What is viral pharyngitis?

An inflammation of the lining of the throat caused by a viral infection is known as viral pharyngitis (cataract). The pharynx is an anatomically tubular structure that connects the oral cavity to the larynx and esophagus. It is located in the neck and is about 15 cm in adults.

You must remember that the throat can become inflamed for various reasons. Sometimes it is due to a bacterial infection or the presence of a fungus. In addition , there are no pathogens in up to 30% of cases.

Therefore, viral pharyngitis is caused only by a virus. The cause of this disease depends on the type of virus involved and the management of the pathology. Complications occur only in rare cases.

An open mouth
Viral pharyngitis consists of an irritation of the lining of the throat, and it is highly contagious.

Causes of viral pharyngitis

Viral pharyngitis is usually associated with a viral infection. In other words, it is one of the symptoms of another infectious disease. When this inflammation manifests itself without the presence of another pathology, it is referred to as nonspecific viral pharyngitis.

The disease usually occurs gradually and causes little damage in the latter case. It will usually resolve within two or three days. In other cases , the following are the most common viruses and associated pathologies:

  • Adenovirus, enterovirus and rhinovirus all lead to colds and pharyngitis
  • The flu virus causes the flu, but also pharyngitis in some cases
  • In this case, the herpes simplex virus (HSV) is the main pathology
  • Epstein-Barr, the infectious mononucleosis virus
  • HIV causes an acute retroviral syndrome, which is usually accompanied by pharyngitis

To identify the disease

The hallmark of this disease is a sore throat. In addition, there are other manifestations that can occur with greater or lesser intensity, depending on each person. They usually manifest as:

  • Dry throat
  • Pain when swallowing food, or even when swallowing saliva
  • Inflammation of the tonsils, also known as tonsillitis
  • Fever lower than 38 ° C
  • Headache
  • Swollen neck glands
  • Exhaustion

The symptoms can vary depending on the type of virus that causes the disease. In acute viral pharyngitis, the pharynx appears red and is covered with mucus. Similarly, in chronic cases, the mucosa is pale, thin and covered with a thick mucus.

In general, the diagnosis is chronic and based on the patient’s history and physical examination. In a few cases we the doctor will order tests, as a rapid test to detect streptococcal antigens. In this way, bacterial pharyngitis can be ruled out.

Woman with pain in the neck
Sore throat is the most important clinical manifestation of this infection. There may also be difficulty swallowing as well as fever.

How to treat it?

There is no specific treatment for viral pharyngitis. Home remedies such as gargling hot saline are often effective in these cases. It consists of dissolving a little salt in a glass of warm water and gargling with it three times a day.

Drinking plenty of water is also helpful as it helps cool the throat and helps the body get rid of viruses. It is best to follow a diet low in spices, rest and avoid irritants such as tobacco and spicy foods.

In addition, it is important to avoid taking antibiotics when the pharyngitis is viral. This is not helpful at all. On the contrary, it strengthens the bacteria and makes them resistant to this type of medicine.

Pharyngitis rarely causes complications. However, there is evidence to suggest that pharyngotonsillitis has become more aggressive in recent years. This is a type of pharyngitis that affects the tonsils and is caused by viruses in 80% of cases.

Thanks for reading.

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