Causes Of Migraines You May Not Know About

One of the most common causes of migraines is a change in atmospheric pressure. You can also suffer from it on the weekends. This is because this is when the brain rests.
Causes of migraines you may not know

Headaches are so common that one often does not give it the attention it needs. There can be many different causes of migraines . Some of these factors are genetic and others are arterial based.

You should know some of the causes of this problem that affect thousands of people around the world.

What are some causes of migraines?

The main cause of migraines is not known. However, there are certain factors that cause this condition that inhibit many people.

If you suffer from this severe headache, it may be due to the following:


Changes in temperature and humidity levels in the environment can affect your mood. There is no doubt about this. However, these can also be causes of migraines or make it worse.

  • Headaches get worse when there is a drop in atmospheric pressure. This also happens when it is too hot or there is high humidity.

Even if you can not control the climate, you can at least be prepared to face the situation.

  • For example, if it is the middle of summer, you can avoid going out in the middle of the day. Or you can postpone physical activities until later in the day.

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Some foods can cause increased headaches. These include, for example, hard cheeses, cold cuts and fried foods. If you tend to get this type of headache, you should also avoid foods that have too many preservatives and artificial additives (that means most foods they sell in stores today).

Instead, you should have a healthier life. And you should have a diet that consists of lots of raw fruits and vegetables. This is especially true when you suffer from migraines.

3. Weekends

Although it may seem strange, Saturdays and Sundays are one of the causes of headaches. These are the most anticipated days of the week. But they can trigger pain. This is because from Monday to Friday, you are under very high levels of stress due to work, responsibilities, studies, etc.

When the weekend comes, your body relaxes too much and changes from its routines: you rest and wake up later, go out and party, eat bad food and do too many activities in a short time, etc. These can be causes of migraines.

4. Caffeine

Not only is this in coffee, but it is also in soda (mostly in cola). Caffeine makes your body dehydrated. And it also goes directly to your bloodstream. From there, it goes to your brain and changes it.

Because of this, after drinking a cup of coffee, you feel energetic. However, this has one consequence: migraines. In addition, you need to be careful about the lack of caffeine. This is because it can also lead to headaches.

  • If you are usually a coffee lover, you can not stop drinking it during the day. The process must be gradual.

5. Sleeping too much

woman sleeping

This happens, for example, when you are on holiday or on the weekends. When your head hurts, lying down and resting is the first thing that comes to mind. But spending so much time in bed can cause headaches.

More than anything else, you need to look for changes in sleep patterns.

  • Sleeping more than 8 hours in a row is not bad if you need it. But if this becomes a habit, it is not so beneficial.
  • In many cases, the person does not want to get up. Or they take a nap that ends up being too long. It is important to avoid these behaviors.

6. Alcoholic beverages

They have a similar effect on the body as caffeine. People who drink alcohol on a regular basis are prone to headaches or migraines. This is because the substances in alcohol are toxic to your body. In addition, it makes the kidneys and liver work harder. A glass of red wine for dinner is not bad. But going out and partying every day is it.

7. Stress

There are many consequences for your body if you have high stress levels for an extended period of time. It may seem like no one is escaping this issue and there is nothing you can do about it. The truth is that people have several techniques to get rid of stress and ultimately do not suffer from migraines.

For example, you can practice meditation or yoga. You can also take a bath when you get home, travel in the country or the cottage on the weekend, or choose fun activities to do after work.

8. Lack of magnesium

If you do not get the required amount of this nutrient, you are likely to be more prone to headaches. Increase your consumption of foods rich in magnesium, such as:

  • Wheat bran
  • Dried herbs (including coriander and mint)
  • Pumpkin, sunflower seeds, flax and sesame seeds
  • Almonds, cashews and Brazil nuts

9. Sensory stimulation

butterfly in the brain

Certain stimuli can make you suffer from migraines. These include when a light catches your attention, when you walk into a perfumery, or you watch an action movie at the cinema.

The membranes that cover your central nervous system are irritated by certain lights, sounds or smells. These stimulate pain receptors located in your brain and can be causes of migraines.

10. Gluten sensitivity

This does not mean that you have celiac disease. But that means you may have a mild gluten intolerance.

You can find out if you have this problem by giving up foods that have gluten in them (biscuits, bread, pizza, etc.). Then you see if your head still hurts just as often.

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