Burn Up To 600 Calories At Home

Exercise is a good habit that helps control weight, prevent disease and improve our overall quality of life. You do not have to spend long hours in a gym to reap the health benefits of exercise.
Burn up to 600 calories at home

Experts agree that it is enough to exercise only 30 minutes a day to stay in shape and still get the health benefits for the body. Learn how to burn up to 600 calories a day at home in the following article.

If you do not feel like or can afford to go to the gym, do not worry. With  this exercise routine you can burn up to 600 calories a day and tone your body without leaving the house and / or spending any of your pocket money. To enjoy all the benefits of this exercise routine, you should exercise for 40 minutes, three times a week, preferably in the morning. Are you ready to start?

Start burning up to 600 calories a day

Before training, watch some music to get energy and inspiration when you train. Then you need to warm up the muscles with some gentle movements of the joints, neck, shoulders, waist, knees, ankles and hips.

Cardiovascular exercise

cardiovascular exercise

Cardiovascular exercise is important for staying fit, getting good health, and for achieving weight loss. Start with an energetic jog or brisk walk around the house for 5 minutes. Then try going up and down the stairs or have a good session with dancing. You can also choose cycling, running or swimming. When you are done, you will have burned up to 200 calories.

Arm raises

Push-ups can also burn a significant amount of calories. Lie face down, with your hands and feet flat on the floor. Carefully raise the body off the ground and then back to the starting position. This exercise can be done with the legs fully extended or with the knees bent. For best results, we recommend doing at least 80 push-ups.


Squats are effective for fat burning

Squats are considered the most effective exercise for fat burning, making them an important part of our routine. Begin by standing upright with your hands behind your head. Lower your body as if you were sitting, until it is at a 45 ° angle to the floor. Try to keep your back straight and do 60 to 80 repetitions.


To end our training, we will do 12 lunges, which will strengthen and tone the legs and buttocks. Outcomes can be done with or without weights.

Begin by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart. If you want to use weights, hold them in your hands with your palms facing your thighs. Then take a big step forward with your right leg, while your left leg remains in position.

Bend both knees so that the right thigh is parallel to the floor. Return to starting position and repeat with left leg. Continue until you have completed all 12 outcomes.

More recommendations…

  • When you are done, remember to stretch your arms, legs and waist to prevent muscle pain.
  • If you want to stay in shape, remember that it is important to be on a diet low in fat, sugar and sodium.
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables. Not only will they help you lose weight, but they will also give you the energy you need to exercise.
  • If you do not want to do a full 40-minute session, break it up into four 10-minute sessions.
  • Remember to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day for best results.

Now that you know how to easily burn up to 600 calories a day, just get started.

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