A Fantastic Cure To Get Rid Of Belly Fat And Excess Fluid

Ginger can help you burn fat because it increases your metabolism. Cinnamon increases the body temperature which gives the same effect.
A fantastic cure to get rid of belly fat and excess fluid

Most of us have probably struggled with a little extra belly fat once in our lives ?! This is a normal phenomenon that most often affects us women because our metabolism causes us to store extra fat in this place. In addition to excess fluid that our body is unable to completely eliminate. Do you want to learn a little about a simple cure that can help you get rid of belly fat and excess fluid? Then you should read on here!

A simple cure to get rid of excess belly fat and fluid


What do you say to beating two birds with one stone? Get rid of both belly fat and excess fluid? Well, this is exactly what we intend to show you, but remember that this is not a miracle cure. It is a simple, natural mixture that is healthy enough to drink every day. Sometimes it is the most basic things that give the best results. Especially when it comes to medicinal plants. But what medicinal plants are we talking about? Take a look at the following list:

  • Dandelion:  This is one of the most effective plants if one wants to get rid of fat. According to experts, the roots are the best part of dandelion to get rid of fat. You can find these in specialty stores or right outside your door! In addition to having a wonderful cleansing effect on your kidneys and liver, it also cleanses our other organs, as well as increases urine production. It can heal swelling in the stomach , regulate blood sugar levels, and strengthen your immune system! Amazing!
  • Freshly cut ginger: You are probably already familiar with all the different benefits of ginger, whether it is for weight loss, cleansing your system, or reducing swelling. The University of Maastricht actually found that ginger also helps you increase your metabolism. Ginger helps you feel full too, so you eat less during the day.
  • Cinnamon: Did you know that cinnamon is great for boosting your metabolism? In addition to the incredibly good taste that goes well with many different drinks and dishes, cinnamon also helps reduce blood sugar levels, which protects you from too high or too low levels of insulin. Cinnamon also raises body temperature and creates a number of chemical reactions that in turn help you increase your metabolism. So during this process you burn extra calories, is not it wonderful?
  • Mint: Do you love the delicious taste of mint? It also has a number of medicinal benefits that will help you lose weight. It stimulates stomach functions, increases metabolism, and even increases gallbladder function.

1. How do I make this drink that reduces belly fat and excess fluid?


You will need this amount of the following ingredients:

  • 1 tablespoon dandelion root
  • 1 tablespoon freshly cut ginger
  • A piece of a cinnamon stick
  • 5 mint leaves
  • 3 dl with water
  • 2 tablespoons  honey

2. How do I make this drink and when should I drink it?

Flat belly

It’s very simple: You should drink this drink three times a day, three days a week. First glass should be on an empty stomach in the morning. It should be at room temperature and you should use fresh ingredients. As you can see, the ingredients used here are easy to find. When it comes to dandelion, we recommend that you use the roots.

The second time you drink should be after lunch so that it can help you digest your food better and cleanse your system. The last time you drink is right before you go to bed. Remember that it must be at room temperature, so not too cold or too hot. Plus the mixture of mint, ginger and honey will help you sleep better. This drink is not only recommended for burning fat, but it is also extremely good for digestion.

When preparing this drink, boil all the ingredients in one and a half cups of water. Once the mixture is cooked through, leave it for ten minutes. Then you pour this wonderful drink into a glass bowl and let it cool down to room temperature. And as we mentioned earlier, drink it three times a day, three days a week.

As you know, this regimen should be followed with a healthy and balanced diet,  where you avoid harmful fats. And do not forget to exercise a little every day. Just walking for half an hour a day will help you lose weight faster. Are you ready to try this out?

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