How To Lighten Dark Circles Under The Eyes With Essential Oils

The skin around your eyes requires special attention because it is the most sensitive part of your face. You can actually use essential oils to lighten dark circles under your eyes, so read on and find out how.
How to lighten dark circles under the eyes with essential oils

Do you have dark circles under your eyes? Do they bother you and make you look tired and older than you are? Well, keep reading to find out about six essential oils that have the power to lighten dark circles – and in a short time.

Maybe you sleep well, but still have dark circles under your eyes; In that case, your skin is probably extra sensitive. Natural remedies can solve this problem and moisturize your skin, especially the skin under your eyes.

You get dark circles under your eyes because there are few oil glands in this area, so it tends to get dry. This makes it more sensitive, and when the area is exposed to the sun, bags form under the eyes and the skin darkens due to excess melanin production.

This is how you can lighten dark circles under the eyes with essential oils

1. Almond oil

Almonds are extremely nutritious, but also medicinal. They contain oleic acid, which makes them good for the heart, like all nuts. There are bitter almonds and sweet almonds; the latter is what we use most often in the kitchen and in skin care products.

Almond oil moisturizes and brightens the skin. It contains fatty acids, water, protein, fiber, iron, potassium and vitamins (A, B, C, D and E). Because of all this, it is an excellent oil for brightening dark circles under your eyes.

How do I use it?

  • With two or three drops of almond oil on your fingertip, gently apply it to your dark circles.
  • Repeat every night before bedtime and then wash your face as normal in the morning.
  • Be consistent if you want to see faster results.
  • Almond oil for dark circles under your eyes.

2. Argan oil

Argan oil is a regenerating, antiseptic and antifungal oil that is full of antioxidants. It moisturizes and softens your skin and hair, as it contains vitamin E and omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids. Argan oil is perfect for brightening dark circles under your eyes.

How do I use it?

  • As with almond oil, apply three drops of argan oil with your fingertips every night before bedtime.
  • Remember to wash your face to make sure you are free of makeup and contaminants before using the oil.

3. Fennel seed oil

Fennel has detoxifying and diuretic properties. It has the ability to improve digestion, make the blood flow properly and keep the skin elastic. Fennel seed oil contains protein and vitamins A, B and C.

How do I use it?

While fennel seed oil is very good for you, it is not good to use too much. In large quantities it can be toxic, so use it with caution.

  • Apply three drops to the dark circles under your eyes, with your fingertips and very gentle movements.
  • We recommend that you use fennel seed oil at night, a maximum of 3 times a week.

4. Olive oil

Olive oil contains antioxidants. Ingestion helps prevent cardiovascular problems, reduces constipation, and lowers a person’s risk of complications if they have diabetes. When used topically, it is very moisturizing and regenerating. It contains high levels of oleic acid.

How do I use it?

  • Apply olive oil compresses to your eye for a few minutes.
  • Then remove them and let the oil work overnight.
  • In the morning, wash your face as normal.

5. Rosehip oil

Rosehip oil is one of the most widely used oils in beauty and skin care products. One reason is that it is rich in fatty acids, antioxidants and vitamins.

It slows down the aging process, soothes sun spots, moisturizes your skin, stimulates blood circulation and strengthens the immune system. Thus, the dark circles under your eyes can be brightened with rosehip oil.

How do I use it?

  • Cleanse your face well to allow the oil to be better absorbed.
  • Place two or three drops on your fingertip and apply it gently on the skin under your eyes.

6. Essential lavender oil

Lavender oil is amazing: it is anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antiseptic, antibacterial, and a natural antidepressant. It is also a natural painkiller and detoxifier and has the power to improve circulation and heal your skin.

How do I use it?

  • Mix two drops of lavender oil with a little water to make a natural remedy for the dark circles under your eyes.
  • Apply every night before bedtime and rinse off in the morning.

Some of the above essential oils are an excellent way to lighten the dark circles under your eyes. Use them consistently for best results. Remember that you must also use sunscreen every day on your face and neck. The skin around your eyes is thinner than the rest of your face, so take good care of it.

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