5 Reasons Why It Is Important To Know The Blood Type Of Your Family

In addition to being helpful when you need a transfusion, knowing your blood type can give you a number of clues about possible ailments you may be more prone to.
5 reasons why it is important to know the blood type of your family

It is a known fact that knowing the blood type of the patient is necessary information in a medical emergency where a transfusion is required.

However, there are also important reasons why you should know the blood type of all your family members.

How are the different blood types classified?

The different blood types make it important to know the blood type of your family


Although medical science still does not know how to explain why we have different blood types, the truth is that we know a lot about the composition and how it works.

There are four blood groups. These are classified according to the presence or absence of proteins on the surface of red blood cells:

  • A, the group containing the A protein.
  • B, whose characteristic is the B protein.
  • AB, which stands out because it has both proteins.
  • O is the group that lacks both proteins.

In addition, we have the Rh factor : if there is Rh protein in the blood, it is classified as Rh + (positive). The absence of it results in Rh- (negative).

Our blood type consists of both the group and our Rh. For example, a person with blood type A and the presence of Rh will have blood type A-Rh positive (A +).

Why should we know the blood type of our family?

As we already mentioned, when it comes to blood transfusions and donations, it is important to know what blood type you have.

In addition, although patients with all blood types can receive blood type O-Rh-negative (O-), a patient with O-Rh-negative can only receive transfusions from their own type.

There are also other equally important medical reasons why it is wise to know the blood type of their family. Let’s take a look!

1. In order to detect a predisposition to deep vein thrombosis

Blood tests

Blood types A, B and AB have a clear genetic predisposition to suffer from deep vein thrombosis (DVT), or blood clots in the legs that begin as varicose veins.

These blood clots, if not treated properly, can reach the lungs and endanger lives.

After analyzing data from around 66,000 people for more than 30 years, a study showed that people with blood types A, B and AB had a 40% higher risk of DVT compared to people with type O.

2. To know if anyone in the family is at risk for heart problems

According to studies, people with blood type AB have a 23% higher risk of heart disease, compared to people with blood type O.

  • Those with blood type B had an 11% increased risk, while those with blood type A had a 5% higher risk.
  • A greater predisposition to higher cholesterol was also detected in people with blood type A.
  • People with blood type O have the lowest risk of heart attack.

Fortunately, these genetic predispositions can be controlled by having a healthy lifestyle and following a diet that helps minimize the risk to you and your family.

It can be helpful to know the blood type of your family to detect the tendency to get certain types of cancer

A doctor and blood tests

According to a study conducted in 2015, the risk of stomach cancer is higher in people with blood type A, in contrast to people with blood type O.

However, those with blood type O are more prone to stomach ulcers.

Furthermore, the risk of developing pancreatic cancer increases by having blood type B or AB.

4. To detect problems related to reproduction

Women with blood type O are twice as likely to have a low ovarian reserve due to high levels of the FSH hormone (follicle-stimulating hormone), which can lead to infertility.

In the case of pregnant women, incompatibility with the blood of the fetus may occur if they do not have the same Rh (positive-negative).

This can cause the woman’s body to react as if it were allergic to the fetus, which can damage it. The solution is a drug that is injected.

5. It can be helpful to know the blood type of the family to plan their diet

A healthy diet for the family

There are no crucial findings about whether it is possible to improve your health by following a diet according to your blood type.

However, people who have tried such diets or diets talk about beneficial results when it comes to losing weight and keeping energy levels up.

The diet consists of the following:

  • Type O : You can eat meat, fish, fruits and vegetables. It is recommended to limit the consumption of grains and legumes.
  • Type A : The best foods for this type are vegetables, tofu, fish, seafood, grains, beans and fruits. You should limit your consumption of meat, dairy products, lime and wheat.
  • Type B : They can eat all kinds of meat, except chicken. It is also recommended that they consume dairy products, beans, grains and vegetables.
  • Type AB : They can eat fish and seafood, dairy products, beans, fruits and vegetables in moderation, although they should avoid red meat.

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