4 Tips For Taking Care Of Your Mattress

We must remember that our mattress is for sleeping. If we use it for something else we can deform it. We should also turn it around every week.
4 tips to take care of your mattress

How do you take care of your mattress? Sometimes we may not appreciate the importance of this basic element in modern life. It is a place where we spend between 7 to 9 hours every day of our lives.

Its firmness, cleanliness, and its well-being are fundamental to good rest. It can also help ensure good health for the spine. These factors can also help keep us from having allergic reactions.

We can not forget that beds are a “fantastic” abode for mites. Therefore, it is necessary to follow a number of measures to minimize their presence. This also helps to guarantee a certain health for us.

In this article, we will explain what these steps are, because sometimes small changes can yield big results. And just maybe, they can even change our lives.

Good ventilation to take care of your mattress

Airy bedroom

You may have heard someone say that “getting out of bed in the morning is not good for your health”. We need to take a deeper look at what they say. Otherwise we will fall into a simple sensationalism.

  • Mites like hot and humid environments. If we make our beds right after we get up, it will be hot and humid. This is all it takes for them to be allowed to multiply.
  • It is advisable to wait for 1 or 2 hours before making your bed.
  • The smartest thing is to take off the bedding. If possible, you should also open the windows to allow the mattress to ventilate.
  • It is important that we let fresh air into our homes. This way we can take care of our beds. This also helps us to ensure that the mites that live there will die.

Remember that even though the mite may have died, their exhaust skeletons will still be there. These microscopic particles can remain in the mattress. Sometimes they can even cause allergic reactions.

Because of this, there is another strategy we will use.

2. Baking soda to disinfect your mattress

Clean the mattress

Now we know that it is wise to ventilate our bed every day. This means that you leave the bedding off for a while before you make the bed.

The second important point in maintaining a healthy mattress is to clean it. This can be done once a month. Here is a simple solution to do this.

This is what you need

  • Your vacuum cleaner
  • 1/2 cup (100 g) baking soda
  • 5 drops of tea tree oil

Here’s how to do it

The next part is easy to perform and has good results. First you take off all the bedding. Then support the mattress next to the window.

  • Mix baking soda with tea tree oil. Then sprinkle this mixture on the mattress.
  • If we need more, we can make another cup with the same amounts. This will ensure that we disinfect our mattress.

Let the mattress air for two hours. Remember to disinfect both sides of the mattress. Both of these ingredients are healthy and they will leave a pleasant odor. Vacuum the mattress after it has been disinfected.


3. Turn the mattress at regular intervals

You probably know this already. However, we can all forget things from time to time. Taking care of the mattress stretcher also means turning it over so that it is not deformed.

  • You should turn the mattress every week.
  • Also remember to turn the mattress over. This means that we should replace the part where we lie with our feet with the part we lie with our head.

We should also keep in mind that the bed is not for sitting in. Sometimes we will sit in our bed for hours with a computer or a book.

Such activities can cause us to deform our mattress.

4. Protection with a good sheet

Clean linen

All mattresses provide a good foundation. That said, it is a good idea to use a sheet to cover and take care of the mattress. This will guarantee a cleaner surface and a better sleep.

  • It can act as a barrier between the mattress and other things like sweat.
  • We can wash a sheet the way we wash clothes.
  • A good sheet is breathable, absorbent and easy to wash. For example, those made of cotton are very good.



To conclude, you probably already knew most of these tips. We must consciously try to take care of our mattress. By doing this, we can stay in a good mood and have more energy.

Your back will thank you. And, if you suffer from allergies, this advice can also be a great help. Let’s put it into practice!


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