Description Of Speech Therapy And Its Properties

Communication disorders can cause many personal and social problems. However, speech therapy can help. Learn more about speech therapy and what it can help with in this article!
Description of speech therapy and its properties

Speech therapy day is a reminder and an incentive about the importance of communication and promotes speech therapy. Ok, but what exactly is this, and how do you do it? It is mainly the subject area that is responsible for evaluation, diagnosis, prevention, research and treatment of communication difficulties in humans.

Also known as “speech therapy”, it has no restrictions on the person’s age, since the understanding and expression of language can address different stages. Thus, this marking seeks to bring information about communication disorders and how they should be addressed.

Problems that speech therapy can focus on

The areas covered by speech therapy are extensive since language, speech, voice, hearing, communication and swallowing problems are within its communicative jurisdiction.

Language problems

This branch covers both comprehensive and expressive as well as mixed language problems. There are usually complications and delays in ideas that externalize, as well as assimilate them. Some difficulties of this type are dysphasia, dyslexia and aphasia.

Speech problems

These are the disadvantages that begin with the articulation and emission of sounds that the receiver understands. These complications include dysphemia (stuttering) and dysarthria. The latter is a lack of articulation of sounds due to paralysis of the nerve centers that control the phonation organs.

Voice problems

The voice starts from the vibrations in the vocal cords, but incorrect use can lead to great difficulties. The consequences of poor vocal habits can be partial or total loss of normal voice, Reinke’s edema, polyps and nodules among them.

Hearing problem

This applies to the hearing impaired or those who have undergone cochlear implantation. The acoustic rehabilitation must focus on the rhythm and intensity that the voice must have in order to communicate effectively.

Speech therapy can correct communication problems

Communication requires strategies and methods to be both fluent and clear in the formulation of ideas. There are also expressions of emotion as part of this branch. In short, it takes into account the known alternative communicative systems.

Swallowing problems

These problems can lie in the esophagus, pharynx, mouth and various nerves. However, speech therapy focuses on evaluating the pharynx and swallowing in the mouth, as well as the area’s mobility and sensitivity.

A girl undergoing speech therapy.
Speech therapy addresses problems related to speech, communication, swallowing.

Goals for Speech Therapy Day

The goal of Speech Therapy Day is to visualize discipline and increase awareness of the importance of communication at all ages. March 6 is a day to spread the wave of communication shocks far and wide.

Another focus point for the day is to find ways to help people with communication disabilities to achieve the well-being that socialization provides.

Common themes for Speech Therapy Day

The goal for each year is that this event will focus on different topics to promote solutions to communication problems such as:


This is about finding appropriate strategies to expand communication options in a multicultural environment instead of limiting them. The main emphasis is on the importance of support from parents or close family members to encourage appropriate language.

Acquired neurological communication disorders

Here they seek to add value to and increase awareness of cases of acquired neurological communication disorders. This includes people with difficulties in the central nervous system, who see the communication pathways reduced by the loss of functions that previously had no conflicts.

Speech therapy for dyspraxia

This disorder impairs phonetic and phonological planning. However, the condition of the affected person can be significantly improved through speech therapy to increase the chances in the community.


The concern here is the difficulty of swallowing food after chewing. This is related to the mentioned swallowing problems.

Augmentative and alternative communication

One of the most interesting strategies for speech therapists is to expand argumentative and alternative communication. It is nothing more than any contribution or complement to speech that facilitates the understanding of the interlocutor. In addition, it includes fonts, movements using limbs and marked facial expressions.

Speech therapy for autism spectrum disorders

These are part of a neurological disorder that prevents normal communication and social interaction. Such a topic is quite sensitive for speech-language pathologists, since there is difficulty in knowing what is certainly going on in the patient’s head. Increasing and alternative communication are also among the most commonly used methods.

Reading and writing problems

This topic is due to the fact that many parents take learning difficulties lightly and do not emphasize that the cause may lie in communication problems. Thus, they stamp children and adults instead of seeking speech therapy treatments.

Speech therapy for digital telepractical technology

The physical isolation as a result of the pandemic led to the majority’s routines and habits changing. This gave rise to the “new normality” that currently prevails. One where digital telepractical technologies gained their presence.

In this connection, the speech therapy sector wants to give more and more space to the mentioned telepractice. All so that the development of those affected continues while they work safely.

A girl pointing to a word.
Speech therapy day promotes telepractic to continue the processes of the affected people despite containment measures.

When can you need speech therapy?

One of the goals of Speech Therapy Day is to convey when it’s time to go to a speech therapist to treat communication difficulties.

Thus, one should consider going to a speech therapist when any of the following symptoms are present:

  • Constant difficulty swallowing
  • Difficulties associated with the voice
  • Impaired understanding and interpretation of information
  • Inconsistent language use
  • Problems articulating basic sounds
  • Confused modulation

Things to keep in mind on Speech Therapy Day

Finally, the purpose of this marking is to encourage reflection and leave a recommendation to be aware of strange communication behaviors. Thus, early detection of a major problem can be improved with treatment.

In short, the goal is to treat most existing communication disorders. This in turn aims to improve the quality of life and social conditions of anyone with a speech disorder.

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