Eliminate These 8 Foods And Subtract 500 Calories From Your Daily Diet

Something as simple as switching the chocolate ice cream to ice cream made from fruit, or going for canned tuna in water instead of oil can make a big difference.
Eliminate these 8 foods and subtract 500 calories from your daily diet

Do you want to subtract 500 calories from your daily diet, but do not know how to do it without going hungry?

Check out these recommendations today. They will allow you to do just that and replace the unhealthy foods.

By now you know that if you want to lose weight and have a firm body, you need to learn not to eat certain foods and reduce your portion size.

If you follow these tips, you will find that you can reduce the number of calories you eat in a day without making any effort – and without going hungry or ending up in a bad mood.

Let’s take a look at what you can cut out to eliminate unnecessary calories from your daily diet.

Foods to Avoid to Subtract Calories from Your Daily Diet

1. Ice cream

ice cream

Is ice cream a treat you would not be willing to give up? Just replace your chocolate ice cream with an ice cream made from fruit.

With just this little change, you go from 227 calories for a serving of two ice balls to 132, as well as reducing the amount of fat.

2. Cupcakes

If you like cupcakes and muffins, and always find yourself choosing chocolate, be aware – if you switch to ginger flavor, you may like it even more.

While chocolate options typically contain 535 calories per serving, ginger muffins contain only 230.

  • Remember that chocolate contains a lot of calories, so when your body tells you that it wants something sweet, try this option with ginger.

3. Tuna


Reducing the calories you eat is much easier than you might think. In addition, it can be as simple as replacing canned tuna in sunflower oil with tuna in water.
This simple trick will result in tuna with only 96 calories instead of 190.

In addition, you will not lose any of the properties and benefits of tuna. While it is less fat, you still have a lot of vitamins (A, B12, D and E), amino acids and minerals (iodine, potassium, iron and phosphorus).

4. Snacks

If you sometimes like to give yourself a little treat and grab some snacks, remember that popcorn – for example – has fewer calories than nuts.

  • 100 grams of mixed nuts contain more than 600 calories, while the same amount of popcorn has only 375.

5. Fruit instead of biscuits


Biscuits can typically help you last longer between your meals, but it is not the best option you have available.

If you want to eat some snacks, remember that biscuits contain more sugar than your body really needs.

It is a better idea to choose fruits that will provide you with a good amount of vitamins and minerals, which you will need throughout the day.

6. Oatmeal instead of cereals

Oatmeal can be the perfect substitute for your regular cereal. Remember that you can buy oatmeal made with fruit or nuts, and this is a much better option than the packaged cereals.

Flavors and sugar are added to the commercial cereals that make you want to eat more of them. When you eat so much, the calorie content of these two foods is quite different.

In addition, oatmeal has only 184 calories per 100 grams, while packaged cereals have 375.

7. Potatoes

Believe it or not, choosing frozen potatoes – instead of healthy ones – will make you eat less.

While it is true that frozen potatoes lack that quality of freshness, you will feel satisfied longer after eating them.

Why? Frozen potatoes have a much healthier type of starch, which means you will not wake up feeling hungry.

8. Potato chips

If you usually eat potato chips at home, you can try choosing that type of vegetable instead – you can even make it at home.

This is a much lower calorie alternative compared to packaged tortilla chips and potato chips that you can buy in stores.

A single serving of a bag of potato chips can contain up to 500 calories per 100 grams, while the vegetable chips only have 221 calories.

Without a doubt, these are all great ways to reduce calories that you should pay attention to!

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