Six Natural Methods For Treating Restless Bones

Restless legs is a nervous system condition characterized by the uncontrollable impulse to move the legs, which also has symptoms such as tingling and stiffness.
Six natural methods for treating restless bones

Localized massage can be a great way to both prevent and help with restless legs because they help with circulation and reduce tension.

Restless legs is a nervous system condition characterized by the uncontrollable impulse to move the legs, which also has symptoms such as tingling and stiffness.

It usually happens when you go through long periods of rest or inactivity, which is why it tends to happen while you sleep. The exact cause is unknown, but it is related to genetic factors, nutritional deficiencies and some hormonal imbalances.

Although it is still uncertain, there are many treatments and remedies that can help control it so that it does not affect your quality of life. Read this article to review some of the causes and six natural methods that are helpful in treating it.

Causes of restless legs

As mentioned earlier, there is no exact reason to explain this medical condition. One hypothesis is that it stems from an imbalance in dopamine, a chemical that controls your muscle movements.

There are even more risks if you are dealing with the following medical conditions:

  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Iron deficiency
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Peripheral neuropathy
  • Pregnancy
  • Multiple sclerosis

Symptoms of restless legs

A woman with restless legs

The uncontrollable impulse to move the legs is what gives this condition its name. Likewise, this problem can also be accompanied by the following signs and symptoms:

  • Tingling or tickling sensation
  • Itch
  • Burning or pain
  • Palpitations or discomfort
  • Tightness or stretching

These symptoms can occur more often at night. They can be mild or last up to an hour or more. Sometimes it can even spread in your arms. It almost always disappears after moving or stretching the limbs.

Natural methods to soothe restless legs

Restless legs have no cure, so the symptoms will return every now and then. However, some treatments and lifestyle changes can help keep it under control.

1. Training

A woman at the gym

Sedentary people tend to have more problems with this. So, to prevent this problem from happening, you should start exercising regularly. Physical activity helps to improve blood circulation, strengthens muscles and prevents problems such as water retention.

2. Wear socks

Wearing socks while sleeping can help keep your feet at a certain temperature. The cold can cause some symptoms of restless legs. Although the effect has not been proven, many believe it is a great trick to reduce the chances of the problem recurring.

3. Control your stress

A woman with high stress levels

Although many people believe that it has nothing to do with it, continuous exposure to stress can trigger the symptoms related to restless legs. This emotional state causes drastic changes in hormone levels, blood circulation and other important bodily functions.

  • It is important to practice relaxation techniques such as yoga and meditation to control it.

4. Use cold and hot compresses

Therapy with cold and hot compresses is an interesting alternative to reduce the feeling of tingling, tension and burning.

  • Compresses are applied alternately: first hot and then cold. Let them sit for a few minutes so that they work, then wipe the affected area.

5. Massages

Massage can help against restless legs

Massage, even when you have no symptoms, can really help keep your legs relaxed and activate circulation. This provides a warming effect that reduces muscle tension and gets rid of unpleasant night cramps.

  • Use soothing oils such as cypress, lavender or rosemary.

6. Take magnesium supplements

Magnesium deficiency has different consequences when it comes to muscle health. Patients with restless legs often lack this nutrient.

You can get this item naturally from the following foods:

  • Fish and seafood
  • Dried herbs
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Cocoa powder
  • Nuts
  • Oat bran
  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Avocado

You can also get it from supplements or topical creams.

Do you have this medical condition? If so, you can try these tips, then you can reduce this problem naturally.

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