Four Great Diuretic Infusions

Infusions are hot drinks made as a result of dissolving the soluble parts of plants in water, without boiling them.
Four great diuretic infusions

When you are unable to get rid of the fluids that are being retained in your body and you are experiencing certain signs from your body, the best thing you can do is use diuretic infusions. Drinking them will give you relief.

Diuretic infusions, foods and drugs increase the ability of the excretory system to eliminate urine.

Thus, the following diuretic infusions help the body get rid of toxins, reduce fluid retention considerably and prevent bloating of the stomach and stomach area.

4 wonderful diuretic infusions

There is a large variety of diuretic plants in the vegetable world. Nevertheless, the most powerful of these are the following:



This infusion is known to be a powerful diuretic infusion and is commonly used to expel fluid retention. It is excellent for eliminating toxins and cleansing the body.

It contains high levels of iron, folate (folic acid) and calcium, and it also regulates glycemic levels. There are two ways to prepare this plant to get the most out of its properties:


  • You will need a tablespoon (15 g) of dandelion and 1.5 dl of water
  • Boil the water in a saucepan and when it reaches boiling point, add the dandelion.
  • Let it cook for 3 minutes before turning off the heat. Cover and let stand for 5 minutes.
  • You can drink this infusion three times a day, preferably before each meal to enjoy the benefits.

Dandelion soup

  • To prepare this soup, you need dandelion leaves, two stalks of spring onion, a clove of garlic, three medium-sized carrots, a leek, 6 dl vegetable broth and salt.
  • Cooking it is easy. Chop spring onions, leeks, carrots and garlic and sauté in a saucepan until tender.
  • Add the dandelion leaf mixture, cut into small pieces. Finally, sauté for 5 minutes and fill with the vegetable broth.
  • Let it cook for another 5 minutes, cover and wait a short while before serving.

2. Kjerringrokk

Another variant of diuretic infusions is the well-known horseradish. Its function is to activate your kidneys and improve the health of those suffering from uric acid, rheumatism and arthritis.

Horseradish increases the levels of urine and this helps the body to cleanse itself and avoid the accumulation of toxins in the blood.

This plant can be found in infusions and tablets. Both have the same effects.

  • To prepare the infusion, you need approx. a liter of water and a couple of tablespoons (30 g) horseradish.
  • First you mix the ingredients and then you heat them up until the water boils.
  • Wait 3 to 4 minutes before turning off the heat.
  • Let it soak for 15 minutes, before drinking it.



Bergsandarve is a diuretic plant that is easy to recognize because it reproduces beautiful clusters of white and sometimes pink flowers. This shrub  blooms only twice a year. Its components include:

  • Resin
  • Flavonoids
  • Triterpenic sapoins

These components have a special effect on the gallbladder. This process enables us to eliminate a large amount of fat, toxins and waste products that are left in the body.

  • The best way to consume this is to add 40 grams of dried rock sand for approx. 1 liter of boiling water for 5 minutes.
  • Then, let it settle for another 10 minutes.
  • After drinking it, it is a good idea to drink plenty of water. This is because the mountain sand heritage sends you frequently to the toilet. If you do not get the fluid you have lost, your body will become dehydrated.

4. Artichoke leaves

Artichoke infusion

Artichoke is a vegetable that  contains inulin and cynara  in its leaves. These substances are responsible for facilitating digestion and excretion, as well as promoting the elimination of fluids and therefore also toxins.

Artichoke  helps protect the liver. Because of this, it is prescribed to people suffering from hepatitis; It also acts as a cholagogue, which increases and stimulates the production of bile.

  • To enjoy this diuretic infusion, add a couple of artichoke leaves to boiling water and let them cook for no more than 5 minutes.
  • Take it off the heat and  leave it for 10 minutes  with the leaves still in the water.

To drink it, you must first strain it. You can drink up to 3 cups a day, preferably before meals. It is also recommended not to drink it more than 24 hours after preparing the infusion, as it may cause intestinal problems.

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