Black Face Mask To Get Rid Of Blackheads And Impurities

Remember that it is best to follow the dermatologist’s recommendations as well as maintain good habits in life to take good care of your skin. 
Black face mask to get rid of blackheads and impurities

People resort to various methods to cleanse the skin from time to time, such as a natural black face mask, to achieve beautiful, radiant and healthy skin.

If your dermatologist allows you to use it, you can make this mask at home as an occasional supplement to your skin care routine.

Below we tell you how to cook it.

To cleanse the face

The accumulation of oil and dead skin cells on the surface of the skin clogs the pores. This in turn will end up as small and unsightly blackheads.

These impurities tend to occur in the “T-zone” of the face, although they are also common on the cheeks, hairline and elsewhere there are many sebaceous glands.

Although they can occur due to lack of cleaning or cosmetic care, the main cause is hormonal, especially related to androgens.

Fortunately, for whatever reason, there are many treatments and products that, if used regularly, can help remove these as well as make your skin look healthier.

Black face mask for blackheads and impurities

Black face mask against impurities

You can make a black face mask to remove blackheads at home with natural ingredients. It will help absorb excess oil and facilitate the removal of impurities that, although we do not always notice them, affect your skin health and beauty.

This black face mask is achieved by mixing tasteless gelatin, milk and activated carbon. These ingredients create a sticky mass which, when applied to the skin, adheres to the remnants of the pores to remove them easily.

  • It has astringent and exfoliating properties that help regulate oil production while leaving your skin smooth and firm.
  • In addition , it contains essential amino acids and antioxidants that stimulate cellular regeneration to avoid premature wrinkles.
  • The main ingredient, activated carbon, has an emollient effect.

Together, the three ingredients in this mask will help cleanse your skin and remove impurities and blackheads. At the same time it regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands.

How to make a black face mask?

How to make the mask


  • 1 tablespoon powdered gelatin without taste
  • 3 tablespoons skim milk
  • 1 capsule activated charcoal

** You can find activated carbon at pharmacies, cosmetics stores or health food stores.


  • Empty the gelatin into a bowl.
  • Add the milk
  • Stir with a wooden spoon or silicone until you achieve a smooth mass without lumps.
  • Furthermore, put the mixture in the microwave and heat for 15 to 20 seconds.
  • Remove the bowl from the microwave and add the contents of the activated carbon capsule.
  • Stir together the ingredients and leave for 5 to 10 minutes.
  • After this time you will see that you have a thick, black mass that you can apply to the desired areas of the face.


Application of the mask
  • First, wash your face with a damp cloth and a little neutral soap.
  • When your face is clean and completely without makeup, apply the mask on the areas you want to treat (forehead, nose, cheeks, etc.).
  • You can use a brush to make the application easier. It is recommended to apply only a thin layer.
  • Leave the mask on for 20 to 30 minutes until it is completely dry.
  • Furthermore, grab the edge of the mask with your fingers and peel it off in one smooth motion to remove the blackheads.
  • Be careful during this last step to avoid damaging your skin.
  • After removing the mask, rinse your face with warm water and apply a moisturizer.
  • Repeat this treatment up to twice a week. If you do this too often, your skin may dry out.

Is your skin too oily? Do you have pimples and blackheads? If so, try this homemade black face mask and see for yourself how it removes impurities.

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