Bags Under The Eyes? Hide Them Naturally!

Dark circles under the eyes, like bags under the eyes, can be very frustrating as one looks both older and more tired. In addition, it can be difficult to get rid of.
Bags under the eyes?  Hide them naturally!

Bags under the eyes can occur for many different reasons: such as having a sleepless night, genetic factors, allergies, reactions to medications or fluid retention (edema). Learn how to hide bags and circles under the eyes naturally without having to resort to surgery.

How to say goodbye to circles and bags under the eyes

bags under the eyes

  • First and foremost, you should have a balanced diet low in salt and drink at least 2 liters of water daily.
  • Sleep on your back and try to lie with your head straight so that water does not accumulate around the eyes (this is the cause of bags under the eyes).
  • To prevent bags under the eyes, you should sleep for at least 8 consecutive hours.
  • Put two spoons in the freezer and leave them overnight. When you wake up the next morning, lie on your back and then place the spoons under your eyes. Let them rest there for approx. five minutes until they are no longer cold. The swelling will go down because temperatures below zero will cause the blood vessels to constrict and this reduces the swelling.
  • Apply hemorrhoid cream under the eyes at least once a day, preferably in the morning to reduce circles around the eyes. The anti-inflammatory properties of this product will reduce the swelling.
  • Put a cloth in a cup of cold green tea and place this over your eyes. Leave it for 20 minutes. This treatment is best suited when you have returned home from work. The tea will stimulate circulation in the area and reduce swelling.
How to reduce bags under the eyes
  • When you get up, shower your eyes with water. Then place a raw potato or a slice of cucumber on each eye. Let this work for 10 minutes and it will reduce unwanted circles and bags under and around the eyes. You should repeat this treatment three times a week.
  • With the ring finger, gently pat the area under the eyes, from the inside towards the nose and outwards. Do this 10 times on each eye, once a day. This loosens up in fluid accumulations and stimulates increased circulation.
  • Take two egg whites and place them under the eyes and let it dry. Rinse with lukewarm water and pat gently until the area is dry. Vitamin B in the eggs will improve circulation.

Effective treatments for circles around the eyes

Circles around the eyes are a classic symptom of an unhealthy lifestyle. It can be due to poor nutrition that you do not get enough sleep, that you have sleep problems or that you have skin problems. To prevent this we would recommend the following:

  • Get enough sleep : give your body, in addition to your skin and head, the chance to recover.
  • Drink plenty of water : This will make your skin smoother and tighter. You will also be hydrated and naturally flush out toxins.
  • Eat healthy : your diet is closely linked to skin problems. To have radiant skin and not struggle with bags under the eyes, eat more vitamins and minerals. Your skin will radiate!
  • Use a natural bleach to remove unwanted pigmentation:  You can use potato or cucumber juice: whole slices of both vegetables will give you instant benefits.
  • Use tea bags : all types can be used, but common types are best. Warm tea as usual, but let it cool down. Put a cloth in the tea water and let it soak before putting it under the eyes. You can also place the cold tea post directly on the eyelid, so that it covers the eyelid and under the eye. This reduces the swelling.
  • Make a mixture of honey and a tablespoon of milk powder, and place it on the area. Let it rest for 15 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water.

Makeup tips to hide bags under the eyes

While you are “waiting” for the homemade preparations and good habits to give results, you can use the following tricks to hide bags under the eyes.

Makeup can be a short-lived but miraculous solution. You will find tons of products on the market to treat circles around the islands, but remember that they are not always good for the skin. In addition, one should apply makeup with a light hand so one does not overdo it.

Makeup can cover a lot, but people with a very pale skin tone can have major problems as they will struggle to find makeup that matches their skin tone.

If you are not a professional make-up artist and / or very experienced in make-up, you can quickly end up with what is called the “raccoon” effect. You get this effect if you have applied a make-up that is lighter or darker than the skin tone around the eyes. Then one will highlight problems with the skin instead of hiding them.

makeup can hide bags under the eyes

What should I do?

To prevent this and of course to prevent others from seeing the ugly bags under the eyes, you should start by washing the skin, drying it and applying skin cream. Then apply your usual base by using your fingertips, and by pressing lightly under the eyes.

This covers the bags so that they are not visible. Let the area around the eyes rest and continue with your usual make-up routine. It is important that you allow the area around the eyes to dry well so that you do not pull the base out again.

We recommend that you apply make-up to the entire face, except the area around the eyes. In this area you should apply a very light layer with a light brush.

Above the base, apply transparent make-up that allows the base under the eyes to shine through. The transparent make-up will give the area around the eyes a nice finish and ensure that it is not rubbed out.

To prevent the raccoon effect, you can use a lighter or a sparkling eye shadow that gives light and a slightly blurred impression that will make this area easily blend in with the rest of the makeup.

If you notice that there is a lighter tone in the area where you have bags under the eyes, then you can compensate for this with a little blush on the cheekbones to draw focus away from the area under the eyes. You can also apply a lipstick with a stronger color, such as red.

Images courtesy of Rochelle Hartman, Nicolas Sanguinetti, Romana Klee, Anna Hirsch.

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