Many People Continue To Be Together Even Though They Do Not Love Each Other

If we continue to be with our partner without the presence of love, we should be aware that we are sacrificing our own and the other person’s happiness because we do not dare to take the step to separation.
Many continue to be together even though they do not love each other

Many continue to be together even though they do not love each other . Couples who are constantly unhappy and who do not live the life they really want to live.

Today we are going to immerse ourselves in this type of relationship, and they are much more common than we think. But first and foremost, we encourage you to think about whether such a relationship is worth the pain or not.

The reason lies in low self-esteem

Low self-esteem

Many couples who do not love each other but who continue together still have very low self-esteem . This can be clearly seen in situations of emotional dependence.

When we have low self-esteem, we think we can not be happy if no one loves us. Therefore, we place this responsibility in the hands of our partner.

We also have many thoughts in our heads, which further pull down the already low self-esteem.

We think that the chance disappears, that being single makes us fail or that there is limited time to find love. This exacerbates the situation we are in.

If we fear all this, it is natural that we do not want to leave our partner, once we have one. In addition , we may think that we will not find anyone else with common interests , or that no one else will love us.

This means that we do not have to make the decision to end the relationship. But today we are going to give you an example of a person who has done this.

Isabel Allende is a famous author. At the age of 73, she divorced her husband, and she has by no means thought that life was over for that reason. In her own words, she said “I feel that a new world has opened up for me”.

Our own thoughts limit us . Love sees no age, nor does it matter to be single. If we think a little through this, we can allow ourselves to enjoy greater freedom.

Many people stick together out of habit even though they do not love each other

Sad woman

The reason many couples stick together even though they do not love each other is often that it is a habit . This happens to couples who have been together for many years, sometimes since they were very young.

They have become accustomed to the life they have together, they have mutual friends and a variety of routines or hobbies they do not want to be without. They see a breakup as a big problem.

Therefore , they decide to continue together even though they do not love each other . Sometimes there are other motives behind it.

Often couples who do not love each other stay together because one is financially dependent on the other. For example, in households where one works, while the other takes care of the housework.

One must also take several circumstances into account in the calculation . There may be expenses for a lawyer and everything related to a divorce (separation of property, legal costs, etc.).

This causes many couples to postpone the problems, and continue together without loving each other.

Is there a compensation?

Couple talk

Instead of asking ourselves if such a relationship is good for us, it is better to ask if it is worth it.

Is it worth it to be together for the sake of the children? Is it worth it to be together for all the burden that comes with a divorce? Is it worth it to be together to sustain our social life?

These are just some of the circumstances that make people stick together in a relationship when they do not love each other. Nevertheless, we must take into account that if they do, there must be something to compensate .

If you are not happy with your partner and you do not feel it is worthwhile to continue, there is no other way than a separation.

But if you get something back, such as security and comfort, it may be worth keeping the situation as it is to avoid all the burdens of separation and legal circumstances.

Every human being and every relationship is its own universe. Yet we must remember that we sacrifice our own happiness and well-being .

Are you in a situation like this? Do you know anyone who does? Would you be able to sacrifice your own happiness for the reasons mentioned?


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