The 7 Most Effective Exercises For Weight Loss

What is even more important than choosing one exercise over another is to be consistent in trying to lose weight, and most importantly, you combine the exercises with a balanced diet.
The 7 most effective exercises for weight loss

You may think that one of the most effective exercises for losing weight is running. It does have many benefits and will help you lose a few pounds, but it is not the only option.

In addition to that, there are many other things you can do that will be even more effective in your quest to lose weight. In today’s article, we want to share some of the most effective exercises for weight loss.

The benefits of running


Let’s start with the form of exercise that is most popular during the day. It is a simple one, which does not require much more than a good pair of shoes. You can run outdoors and not spend a single penny. If you run 10 km / h for one minute, you will burn eight calories.

The faster you run, the more fat you burn. The mat is simple.

Many people are not so fond of running,  although it is one of the most effective exercises for weight loss and great for our health. A new study claims that while it is an excellent exercise, there are other options that may be better.

According to Harold Gibbons, Director of the National Strength and Conditioning Association in New York, “you burn more calories by performing high-intensity weight training than you do when you run.”

The difference in how much you lose weight depends on the effort you put in, as well as your muscle mass, weight and height. And of course, your age.

Aerobic exercise is the best way to burn fat. It should be of fairly low intensity, but with a much longer duration (one hour). Dance classes or step training are good examples.

What are the most effective exercises for weight loss?


You already know that running is a good option if you are trying to lose weight. Here are some other options, first the ones that are most recommended by doctors and trainers:

Kettlebell exercises

Kettlebells are balls with a handle commonly used for targeted training of the quadriceps and thighs. They also increase your vitality and energy levels. You can burn up to 20 calories per minute, increasing your heart rate by 93%.

You should not do more than 20 minutes of kettlebell exercise per day.

Kettlebell turns are very difficult, because your body is not used to that movement. It is great for eliminating belly fat, toning the arms and strengthening the legs.

These balls (which come in several sizes) can help you burn up to 300 calories per half hour of exercise.



An adult weighing about 75 kg can burn around 400 calories per half hour through strenuous rowing. This is around 12.5 calories per minute.

Rowing is mostly aimed at the arm muscles, back and legs, but  it is considered exercise for the whole body.

It is also perfect for increasing your cardiovascular endurance. It strengthens your quadriceps and back muscles. Rowing is a great exercise for weight loss, and helps you develop both flexibility and strength.

You do not have to buy a kayak to start rowing. Most gyms have a machine that simulates these movements.


This is a difficult and tiring exercise, but it is worth it. You burn almost two calories per repetition. If you perform seven per minute, you burn 10 calories. Ideally, you will perform 10 burpees per minute (a total of 14 calories per minute).

This exercise will also help you increase your metabolism. We recommend performing burpees with a simple progression, as it is a complex technique to master.

For maximum benefit, you should add brupees to your regular circuit workout or exercise routine. You can try to do 15 burpees in one hour of training.

Jump rope

5-hopping rope

A moderately intense workout includes around 100 to 120 jumps per minute. It will burn around 13 calories. The good thing about skipping rope is that it uses more muscle groups than running does. It also helps to improve your coordination, balance and skill.

Jump rope does not only have muscular benefits, it also reduces the risk of heart disease, osteoporosis, depression, anxiety and high blood pressure.

All you need is a rope!



Although you can use any bike, the best option is a mountain bike. An hour of cycling can burn up to 1500 calories (25 per minute). And you do not have to move to a mountain to enjoy the benefits of this exercise.

Cycling strengthens and tones the leg muscles and improves breathing and heart rate.


Crossfit is one of the most popular training methods at the moment, originating in the training exercises of the US military. You can burn a lot of calories in one hour, and another benefit is that each person performs the effective exercises at their own pace.

Crossfit consists of a series of standard exercises, along with some extras.

It is important that your crossfit class is supervised by an expert and that you start with a low load to work your way up to activities with a higher load. Try to do crossfit two to three times a week to improve your strength and endurance.



Everyone is familiar with this exercise, but not everyone is aware of all the benefits of it. You can burn 13 calories per minute on average, but you need half an hour of exercise to see the best results.

Try to do eight sets of 20 repetitions each, with a break of 45 seconds in between.

Squats will tone and strengthen your legs, strengthen your buttocks, and improve your posture. If you add dumbbells, you can also train your arms.

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