8 Things You Can Do Every Day For Healthy Feet

There are many things you can do for healthy feet, in addition to keeping them moist. It is also advisable to walk barefoot for at least a couple of minutes a day to stretch the muscles and reduce the tension in the feet.
8 things you can do every day for healthy feet

Your feet are responsible for carrying the weight of your entire body every day. As you can imagine, it is very important to have healthy feet. Your feet, along with your legs, get you from one place to another, by supporting you and moving you through life. Find out what you can do for healthy feet.

But even though they are as important as they are, we usually forget them until something bothers us. If you neglect them, you may start to see excessive dryness, fungus, thrush and other problems that can be quite bothersome. And since some shoe materials are uncomfortable or irritating, you may get painful rubbing or blisters on your feet.

Fortunately, there are many things you can do every day to protect them and ensure that you have healthy feet. Today we will share 8 of the best tips to get healthy feet with you, so you can start adding them to your personal hygiene routine.

Take notes!

Do strengthening exercises

8 things you can do every day for healthy feet

When you exercise, you probably forget that your feet need exercise too! The muscles tend to become tight, and over time it can lead to pain, hallux valgus and other unpleasant problems. Fortunately, there are strengthening exercises designed specifically for your feet, which will make them relax at the same time.

Some exercises are to:

  • Move on and bend your toes.
  • Lift a pencil with your toes.
  • Roll a towel under the soles of your feet.
  • Roll your feet on a tennis ball.
  • Walk on your toes.
  • Jump in a squat position.
  • Stand on your heels.

2. Use exfoliating products

Like other parts of your body, the skin on your feet needs regular exfoliating treatments to get rid of excess dead skin cells. Your feet are exposed to more dirt, bacteria and all kinds of unclean surfaces that can break down the skin over time. By using exfoliating products, you keep dead skin cells from building up and keep ugly slaves from forming on your toes and heels.

3. Treat your feet with a water bath with Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate)

8 things you can do every day for healthy feet

A foot bath with Epsom salts and essential   oils  provides an excellent therapy for tired feet. It will act as a muscle relaxing bath and will  also prevent infections and fungi from growing. Letting your feet soak in a foot bath once or twice a week helps keep thrushes from forming, helps remove dead skin cells, and softens your skin.

4. Use moisturizing creams

Sudden temperature changes, certain types of shoes and exposure to dirt tend to affect the pH of the feet and can make the skin cracked or irritated. Applying moisturizing creams daily is an easy way to prevent excessive dryness and skin damage. You want to give your skin essential nutrients for elasticity, while improving cell activity and preventing the build-up of dead skin on the soles of your feet.

5. Enjoy an evening massage

8 things you can do every day for healthy feet

After a long and tiring working day , there is nothing better than a foot massage to relieve tension and pain. This simple habit is very easy to perform, and you can even use soothing oils for the ultimate spa experience. Massaging your feet every night improves circulation, refreshes the skin, and lowers the risk of developing hallux valgus or thrush.

6. Keep your feet high

Your feet and ankles often become inflamed when you spend a lot of time in the same position (whether you are sitting or standing). To relieve discomfort or pain, all you need to do is keep your feet high for 5 to 10 minutes at a time. This calms the tension, lowers the inflammation and promotes good circulation.

7. Wear ventilated shoes

8 things you can do every day for healthy feet

Sometimes shoes with closed toes best suit the outfit for the situation, but at least two or three times a week it is advisable to let your feet breathe in ventilated shoes. This is because enclosed, humid environments can become home to bacteria and fungi, which can lead to troublesome infections and smelly feet.

8. Walk barefoot for a few minutes every day for healthy feet

When you get home, you can take off your shoes for a few minutes to stretch your feet completely from the heels to your toes. When you walk barefoot, you lower the tension and activate the muscles in the legs to prevent future inflammation and pain.

Do your feet get the attention they need? Try these recommendations and you will discover how useful they are for healthy, beautiful feet.

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