The Pros And Cons Of Being Single

Having a partner is neither better nor worse than being single. The two options are equally valid, and both have their advantages and disadvantages.
The pros and cons of being single

Socially, it does not always look good to be single or if a person of a certain age is not married yet.

Being single is often associated with loneliness, sadness and not being able to meet certain cultural expectations. Nevertheless, in many cases it is preferable to be alone.

Whatever you may think, being alone is not a curse. For many, it is a decision they have made voluntarily, and they do not complain. For some, however, it may be a result of low self-esteem.

What are the benefits of not having a partner? We address the topic in this article.

The benefits of being single

1. You can train more


Single people have more free time than those in a couple  (in most cases). Because of this, they can dedicate one hour each day to going to the gym and staying in shape.

Those who have a partner often prefer to spend their free time sharing dinner, going to the movies or going on a trip with their partner.

If you are single, you can benefit from being able to take care of your body, keep fit, lose weight or do a sport that you enjoy.

It is not just a matter of aesthetics to find a partner, but to be healthy and energetic.

2. You can be healthier

Being single can be synonymous with being healthier. However, this depends on your daily habits. This also goes hand in hand with the time you dedicate to your well-being and take care of your body.

Of course, there is a downside. Women who have not been married or who have divorced by the age of 50 have a greater chance of suffering from heart problems or circulatory problems.

This is due to the fact that in many cases these women do not prepare food themselves, but rely on ready-made food. This is also because they do not follow the plan to check their health every year.

3. You are usually slimmer

Smiling single man

If we analyze and compare the body of a man before and after he got married, we find that he is usually slimmer before marriage.

Believe it or not, being in a serious or formal relationship tends to make us sedentary. Because of this, we put on weight.

Also, we should take into account that when we have a good relationship, we do not worry about being attractive to anyone else. Thus , many people stop eating healthy.

In addition , this is increased after having children. Women gain weight during the first ten years of marriage or with a stable partner. The couple also have the same habits.

Maybe when they were single, it was okay with a sandwich, but now they should prepare more holistic meals for the family.

4. You can find better work

Being single means that it is easier to  find better jobs, especially when it comes to women.

Many companies choose to hire women without obligations (mainly children) because this assures them that they are more efficient and reliable. These women tend to be more focused on their professional careers and can reach higher positions in less time.

5. You can be more social

Social with friends

Weekend plans (plans after work) include for many singles many parties, meeting friends, cultural events, trips, etc.

However  , married people go out less. Maybe they just go out to dinner with their partner, go to the park with their kids, have birthday parties with family, etc.

Even if it’s cold, it’s raining, or if it’s in the middle of the week, a social single person is usually ready to go out and have fun.

Married couples spend significantly less time with friends. Their priority is to spend time with their partner and their children. Meanwhile, “the singles” tend to easily make friends wherever they go.

6. You can sleep better

In addition to going out and having fun more often than married couples, single people who live alone or do not have partners sleep better.

They do not have to worry about their partner snoring, stealing the duvet, kicking in the middle of the night.

As for those who have children, they must wake up when the children have nightmares, or want to share the bed with their parents, etc.

7. You can have financial independence

Financial freedom

One of the benefits of being alone is that you do not have to give explanations about how you spend your money or how much you save. Also, single people can enjoy more luxury and looseness  because they do not have to share their income with anyone.

That may be why they dress better, travel on several vacations each year, and buy a new car when they feel like it.

8. You learn not to be afraid of loneliness

Some single people feel comfortable and satisfied with their situation and are not afraid to be alone. They benefit from being alone at home.

They enjoy those hours of reading, sleeping, cooking, listening to music or taking a bath without worrying about anything or anyone.

9. You can choose not to settle down

Single man

Those who are single can be picky and not settle down with the first person who shows up. This also applies equally when it comes to finding work or buying your own property or even finding a partner.

Independence and autonomy have meant that they will not allow themselves to be deceived and to know what they want at all times.

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