5 Foods That Reduce Cravings

The secret of the foods we will mention below is that they all contain natural sweetness; some of them because of their content of healthy sugar, and others because of other types of nutrients along with a sweet taste. But everyone definitely has the property that they reduce cravings for sweets.
5 foods that reduce cravings for sweets

One of the most common causes of obesity is impulsive eating. Which leads to eating all kinds of unhealthy foods. Which is rich in sugar, flour, and low quality fat, completely uncontrolled. These foods, which largely do not nourish the body. Are quickly stored in the body and thus they will increase the areas where one easily accumulates more fat. In this article, we will list some foods that reduce cravings for sweets. Which may be related to an imbalance in blood sugar levels.

Healthy sweets that reduce cravings for sweets

The secret of the foods we will mention below is that they all contain natural sweetness; some of them because of their content of healthy sugar, and others because of other types of nutrients along with a sweet taste. But everyone definitely has the property that they reduce cravings for sweets.

Blood sugar fluctuates constantly, which can lead to the need to eat sugar, which you can counteract with these foods.


This surprising spice, used in natural treatments for type II diabetes, reduces blood sugar levels and delays the emptying of the stomach, reducing the craving for sugar that often occurs after meals. These sweeteners are the ones that appear a little after you have eaten when you feel the need to eat something sweet.

How to eat it?

Cinnamon can be used in several ways. Try using Ceylon cinnamon, which is the most beneficial type, and eat it:

  • In all kinds of sweets and desserts: sponge cake, pudding, ice cream, and so on.
  • In an infusion, after a meal.
  • Combined with honey, on an empty stomach.
cinnamon drink


Pumpkins are rich in carbohydrates, but the high fiber content means that these are absorbed little by little, which leads to balanced and consistent levels of sugar in the blood.

It is important to note that people who abuse sweets also tend to have intestinal parasites, even if they are not aware of this. These parasites contribute more to the craving for sweets because they feed on it. Therefore , we recommend that you also eat pumpkin seeds, which is one of the oldest remedies to combat and get rid of them.

How to eat it?

Although it is usually eaten cooked, you can also eat it raw and grated in salads. In turn, if you cook it, pumpkin is delicious in cream form. Thanks to its sweetness, you can cut thin strips of pumpkin, as if it were carpaccio, and fry it with a little cinnamon. This recipe is delicious for dessert.

pumpkin cream


Carrots also have complex carbohydrates that must be digested to be converted into sugar. Just like pumpkins, they are absorbed gradually and will not cause sweet cravings.

How to eat them?

You should preferably eat them raw. The most effective way, if you have a blender, is to consume them in the form of juice, mixed with apple, for example. You can also grate it and include them in all sorts of recipes such as garnishes, salads, soups, or even sandwiches.

The sweet potato

There are many types of sweet potatoes and they also have their slightly sweet taste in common. Sweet potatoes are rich in natural sugar, but it should not scare you because this sugar content is compensated by their high fiber content. Specifically, the type of fiber in sweet potatoes is pectin, which delays the absorption of sugar.

How to eat them?

The sweet potatoes are very satisfying, but we do not recommend eating them in the afternoon. The best times to eat them are in the morning or for lunch, and you can bake or cook them, just like a potato.


This plant from Paraguay is becoming increasingly popular as a natural sweetener. This is thanks to its many benefits, and among these we want to emphasize the ability to regulate blood sugar levels, just like what happens to cinnamon. It also contains 0 calories, which is why it reduces sweet cravings . You will not feel the need to eat other sugars with the incredible sweetness of this plant.

Stevia allows you to make infusions, lemonades and drinks sweeter in a natural way.


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